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Analysis of investment in grain planting

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2018-07-10 16:08:15China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Grains Oilseeds
In 2017, the total investment in China's grain production sector was 1.87 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.69% over the previous year. Among that, the cash input was 863.5 billion yuan, an increase of 1.60% over the previous year, and the investment of materials and services was 747.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.59%. By classifications, the inputs in agricultural services, fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, and agricultural film were 364.5 billion yuan, 214.4 billion yuan, 105.5 billion yuan, 60.6 billion yuan, and 5.7 billion yuan, respectively, increasing 0.75%, -1.90%, 2.48%, 21.25%, and 11.95% over the previous year.
The total consumption of fertilizers, seeds, agricultural film and other major agricultural materials was 53.69 million tons, of which, the consumption of fertilizers (ingredients) was 41.38 million tons, down 2.10% from the previous year; seeds consumption was 11.92 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 0.16%; agricultural film consumption reached 393,600 tons, an increase of 0.92% over the previous year. As for fertilizer consumption, the consumption of compound fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer, and phosphate fertilizer was 25.93 million tons, 13.84 million tons, 976,400 tons, and 641,800 tons respectively.
In 2018, the investment in China's grain production sector totals 1.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.63% over the previous year. Among that, the cash input is 924.4 billion yuan, up 7.06% year-on-year , and the investment in materials and services reaches 783.6 billion yuan, an increase of 4.87% over the previous year. By classifications, the investments in agricultural services, fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, and agricultural film are 390.3 billion yuan,  226.5 billion yuan, 105.5 billion yuan, 74.3 billion yuan, and 7.6 billion yuan respectively, up 2.14%, 5.61%, 1.908%, 22.56%, and 14.60% separately.
The total consumption of fertilizers, seeds, agricultural film and other major agricultural materials reaches 53.10 million tons, of which, the consumption of fertilizers (ingredients) is 40.69 million tons, down 1.68% from the previous year; seeds consumption registers at 12.01 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 0.81%; agricultural film consumption is 398,600 tons, up 0.92% over the previous year. As for fertilizer consumption, the consumption of compound fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer, and phosphate fertilizer was 25.40 million tons, 13.67 million tons, 109,800 tons, and 570,200 tons respectively.
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