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China Grains Market Weekly Report

By CnAgri 2017-03-16 17:31:00 Print Tel:861064402118-822 Email: chen.wang@boabc.com

Price: RMB22000/YEAR(English Version) RMB11000/YEAR(Chinese Version)

Sample Report

Brief Introduction:

China Grains Market Weekly Report is an updated reportfocusing on China’s dynamic grain market, mainly covering wheat, corn, paddy, cereals, etc. It is an overall research on planting, production, imp & exp, processing and consumption as to acquire China’s grain market with all aspects. Additionally, it focuses on large scale processing enterprises, such as technologies, investment, commercial activities and industry policies for insiders to grasp the timely development of this industry.

Table of Contents:

News Briefs
China Grain Production Forecast and Outlook (May, 2018)
Weather Summary (May 11-17, 2018)
Weekly Agriculture Condition
Weather Forecast (May 17-23, 2018)
Price Trend
1 USD Value and exchange rate of key currency
2 Comprehensive Futures Price Index of Grain
3 Spot Price Index and Processing Profit
4 Wheat and Flour
5 Corn, Starch, Energy, poultry and livestock
6 Paddy and Rice
7 Barley
8 Sorghum and oats
9 Soybean
10 Grain complex price
11 Ocean & Highway Freight
12 Price & Change %
13 Index of Table & Fig
14 Report Profile
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