The profit of raising whiter broilers was 3.87 yuan/bird in September

By CnAgri 2019-10-11 17:09:28 Print Tel:861064402118-822 Email:

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This month the ratio between broiler price and grain price was 4.90, the ratio between broiler price and feed price was 3.31. The profit of each link of China’s broiler breeding industry in this month was as follows:
Raising link: gross profit of broiler feeding was 3.87 yuan/bird in September, decreased 2.61 yuan/bird from last month, up 1.57 yuan/bird from the year before.
Slaughtering link: the gross profit of slaughtering link was 0.89 yuan/kg, increased 0.29 yuan/kg month on month, up 0.86 yuan/kg year on year. 
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