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Weather Aids Spring Wheat Harvest

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2012-07-25 19:25:50China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Weather Aids Spring

Continued hot, dry conditions allowed for harvest progress in the four-state spring wheat region. So far, 12 percent of the U.S. crop has been harvested, compared to none on average. In South Dakota over half of the crop has been harvested, followed by 17 percent in Minnesota and 9 percent in North Dakota. The early planting season and warm, dry conditions have pushed crop development well ahead of average.

Some areas of the region did receive precipitation last week, but it was scattered and more is needed. Soil moisture levels continue to decline throughout most of the region. The recent hot, dry weather has likely affected yields, but less so on the early harvested crop with some producers reporting better than expected yields. Protein so far is reportedly higher than average. More detailed yield and quality data will be available as harvest progresses. Crop condition ratings dropped again this week, with 60 percent of the U.S. crop rated in good to excellent condition, down from 65 percent the previous week.

The current weather conditions are also affected the durum crop in North Dakota and Montana. Currently, 59 percent of the North Dakota crop is rated in good to excellent condition, down 7 percent from last week and in Montana the good the excellent rating dropped from 76 to 60 percent. Harvest has just begun in North Dakota with 3 percent of the crop harvested, weeks ahead of average. Over half of the state's durum is turning ripe and almost 90 percent is in the milk stage. Harvest has yet to begin in Montana, but about 26 percent of the crop is turning ripe.

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