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Congress Goes on August Recess Without Farm Bill

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2012-08-06 19:14:09China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Congress Goes August

Members of Congress are returning to their districts and constituents for August recess without a clear path for passing a five-year farm bill before the current law expires on Sept. 30.

The recess is scheduled to run five weeks, encompassing both major party conventions and allowing Members to spend significant time in their districts prior to upcoming elections.

The Senate completed its farm bill work on June 21, and the House Agriculture Committee finalized its version of a 2012 farm and food policy proposal in the early hours of July 12.

House Leadership has declined to announce a timeline for taking up that bill, which is controversial even within the Republican caucus.

An attempt to push off the issue with a one-year extension of existing farm law was rebuffed this week in the House, leaving the full chamber having passed no legislation that could be formally conferenced with the Senate-passed bill.

It is widely expected farm bill negotiations will continue throughout the August recess.

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