iGrow Wheat Authors Get National Recognition

The American Society of Agronomy recognized South Dakota State University faculty and SDSU Extension Specialists with the Excellence in Extension Materials Award for their work in co-authoring "iGrow Wheat: Best Management Practices for Wheat Production."
More than 40 South Dakota State University faculty and SDSU Extension Specialists authored the handbook designed to be used as a go-to resource for South Dakota wheat producers.
"What makes this resource exceptional is the fact that it is user-friendly and filled with relevant information that is easily defined, making it a good resource for South Dakota's wheat growers," said John Holman, associate professor of Cropping Systems at Kansas State University and chair of the judging committee.
Holman explains that each year the international society of agronomists, crop breeders and soil scientists recognize exceptional works completed by its membership. The project, which was led by SDSU professors, David Clay, Gregg Carlson and Kevin Dalsted, was truly a collaborative effort between SDSU Extension specialists, field specialists, university scientists, agronomic leaders and South Dakota wheat growers.
"We used a unique process to produce this book," Clay said. "It included both a scientific and farmer view to assess information for accuracy as well as readability and relevance."
The project received the full support of the South Dakota Wheat Commission, Clay explains that the project began by sitting down with wheat producers to identify the critical topics and then collaborating with research faculty and staff connected with SDSU Extension, the SDSU Experiment Station and South Dakota State University College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences to develop a manual which presented research-based information to address the topics laid out by producers.
"This resource really portrays the Land Grant mission at its finest," said Rosie Nold, SDSU Extension agriculture and natural resources program director.
Available for purchase since August 2012, iGrow Wheat: Best Management Practices for Wheat Production is also available online at the iGrow Marketplace in a digital format; making it a resource that can be updated as new research and data is developed.
"The synergy developed between researchers, faculty and producers within the industry in compiling and delivering this resource is a true example of how the Land Grant mission can be put into action," said Karla Trautman, Associate Director for SDSU Extension.
To learn more about the manual or to purchase a copy visit the iGrow Marketplace.
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