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Profit on Layer Breeding Industry Chain on July 18

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2012-07-26 09:43:27China Agriculture Report Print

Profit on Layer Breeding Industry Chain: During the past week, rate between egg price and corn price was 2.67 and rate between egg price and feed price was2.24. The profit detail of profit on layer breeding industry was as following: With reference to layer breeding, the gross profit from whole breeding, including the income from rejected layers and layer manure, was about RMB-13.15 each, up 2.3% compared with last week. Gross profit of egg was about RMB -0.73/kg, up 2.3% compared with last week. With reference to EGG wholesale, the gross profit was about RMB 0.63/KG, up 14.86% compared with last week. With reference to egg retail, the gross profit was about RMB 0.46/KG, down 6.12% compared with last week.
Weekly Benefit on the Value Chain of Layer in China

From <China Livestock and Feed Weekly Market Report>

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