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Grain Consumption in June

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2013-08-02 14:54:58China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Grain Consumption
Grain consumption for food use was 25.326 million MT in June, including 9.123 million MT consumed by rural households, 7.248 million MT consumed by urban households and 8.955 million MT consumed by the catering industry, up 0.22%, 2.23%, 2.29% and 0.12% respectively on the year-on-year basis. Grain consumption for food use totaled 138 million MT in the first half of this year, an increase of 6.28% on the year-on-year basis. Grain consumption increased because grain price rose less than other food price and bird flu affected meat consumption.
Grain consumption for feed production was 15.764 million MT in June and 77.333 million MT in the first half of this year, up 1.13% but down 2.23% respectively on the year-on-year basis, calculated on the basis of livestock production and feed production.
Grain consumption for industrial uses was 7.1 million MT in June, 3.6% more than the month before and 8.4% more than the same period of last year. Grain consumption for this purpose totaled 42.68 million MT in the first half of this year.
Of the total, 4.016 million MT grains were consumed in June and 22.663 million MT in the first half of this year for alcohol production, 8.75% and 8.75% more than the same period of last year respectively.
3.08 million MT grains were consumed for the production of 2.06 million MT starch in June.
Grain consumption for various uses totaled 50.619 million MT in June. Grain inventory was 339 million MT at the end of June, suggesting a monthly consumption index of 6.71.
The grain inventory consisted of 84.712 million MT paddy, 78.841 million MT corn, 126.5 million MT wheat, 1.885 million MT barley and 45.59 million MT others.
Of the grain stock in June, 134 million MT were state reserve, 90.78 million MT were on-farm stock and 64.74 million MT were other stock. Farmers sold 52.3% of their grains by June, more than the same period of last year.
Planted grain acreage, grain production and grain imports are 111 million hectares, 595 million MT and 16.3 million MT respectively in 2013. While supply goes up, grain consumption slows down. Year-end grain inventory and safety index are predicted to be 256 million MT and 42.52% respectively.

From “China Grains Market Weekly Report

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