Yearbook on China’s Agricultural Products 2013

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Sample Report
Brief Introduction:
The Yearbook covers a full range of varieties. It has a collection of data on outputs, consumption volumes, imports & exports, international market occupation ratio, prices, geographical distributions, etc. of 80 agricultural products in the past 5-10 years.The Yearbook is composed independently by experts organized by our company and it is not openly published. The Yearbook has an accumulation of data from independent surveys of our company throughout many years, and some appropriate adjustments are made on official figures issued by the Chinese Government based on the judgment made by our company during the analysis.
The editing department of the Yearbook provides answers to information queries. If there are any questions regarding the Yearbook, the analysts and experts of Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant Ltd. Company are ready to provide consultations at any time.
Table of Contents:
Chapter one
1.1 Paddy
1.1.1 Status of China’s Paddy at the World Market
1.1.2 Regional Layout of Paddy Production and Output
1.1.3 Yearly Paddy Production and Main Reasons
Fig, Paddy Acreage from 2002-2012
Fig, Paddy Production from 2002-2012
1.1.4 Paddy Consumption and Price
Fig, Price of Indica Rice and Japonica Rice from 2008-2012
1.1.5 Paddy Import and Export
Fig, Rice Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Rice Import by Origin in 2012
Fig, Rice Export by Destination in 2012
1.1.6 Outlook of Paddy Market
Table 1.1.1, Provincial Paddy Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.2, Provincial Acreage of Early Rice from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.3, Provincial Acreage of Single-season Rice from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.4, Provincial Acreage of Late Rice from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.5, Provincial Production of Paddy from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.6, Provincial Production of Early Rice from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.7, Provincial Production of Single-season Rice from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.8, Provincial Production of Late Rice from 2002-2011
Table 1.1.9, Equilibrium of Paddy Supply and Demand (crop year)
Table 1.1.10, Paddy Import by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 1.1.11, Paddy Export by Destination from 2008-2012
1.2 Corn
1.2.2 Layout of Corn Producing Regions and Production
1.2.3 Yearly Corn Production and Main Reason
Fig, Corn Production from 2002-2012
Fig, Corn Acreage from 2002-2012
1.2.4 Corn Consumption and Price
Fig, Corn Price from 2008-2012
1.2.5 Corn Import and Export
Fig, Corn Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Corn Export by Destination in 2012
1.2.6 Outlook of Corn Market
Table 1.2.1, Provincial Corn Production from 2002-2011
Table 1.2.2, Provincial Corn Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 1.2.3, Equilibrium of Corn Supply and Demand (crop year)
Table 1.2.4, Corn Export by Destination from 2008-2012
1.3. Wheat
1.3.1 Status of China’s Wheat at World Market
1.3.2 Layout of Wheat Producing Regions and Output
Fig, Wheat output from 2002-2012
Fig, Wheat Acreage from 2002-2012
1.3.3 Wheat Consumption and Price
Fig, Wheat Price from 2008-2012
1.3.4 Wheat Import and Export
Fig, Wheat Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Wheat Import by Origin in 2012
Table 1.3.1, Provincial Wheat Output from 2002-2011
Table 1.3.2, Provincial Spring Wheat Output from 2002-2011
Table 1.3.3, Provincial Winter Wheat Output from 2002-2011
Table 1.3.4, Provincial Wheat Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 1.3.5, Provincial Spring Wheat Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 1.3.6, Provincial Winter Wheat Acreage from 2002-2012
Table 1.3.7, Equilibrium of Wheat Supply and Demand (crop year)
Table 1.3.8, Wheat Import by Origin from 2008-2012
1.4 Barley
1.4.1 Status of China’s Barley at the World Market
1.4.2 Layout of Barley Producing Regions and Output
1.4.3 Yearly Barley Production
Fig, Barley Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Barley Acreage from 2002-2012
1.4.4 Barley Consumption
Table, Provincial Beer Production from 2002-2011
1.4.5 Barley Import and Export
Fig, Barley Import from 2002-2012
Fig, Barley Import by Origin in 2012
1.4.6 Outlook of Barley Market
Table 1.4.1, Provincial Barley Output from 2002-2011
Table 1.4.2, Provincial Barley Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 1.4.3, Barley Import by Origin from 2008-2012
1.5 Millet
1.5.1 Status of China’s Millet at the World Market
1.5.2 Layout of Millet Producing Regions and Output
1.5.3 Yearly Millet Production
Fig, Millet Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Millet Acreage from 2002-2012
1.5.4 Millet Import and Export
Fig, Millet Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Millet Export by Destination in 2012
1.5.5 Outlook of Millet Market
Table 1.5.1, Provincial Millet Production from 2002-2012
Table 1.5.2, Provincial Millet Acreage from 2002-2012
Table 1.5.3, Millet Export by Destination from 2008-2012
1.6 Sorghum
1.6.1 Status of China’s Sorghum at the World Market
1.6.2 Layout of Sorghum Producing Regions and Output
1.6.3 Yearly Sorghum Production
Fig, Sorghum Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Sorghum Acreage from 2002-2012
1.6.4 Sorghum Consumption
1.6.5 Sorghum Import and Export
Fig, Sorghum Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Sorghum Export by Destination in 2012
Fig, Sorghum Import by Origin in 2012
1.6.6 Outlook of Sorghum Market
Table 1.6.1, Provincial Sorghum Output from 2002-2011
Table 1.6.2, Provincial Sorghum Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 1.6.3, Sorghum Export by Destination from 2008-2012
1.7 Potato
1.7.1 Status of China’s Potato at the World Market
1.7.2 Layout of Potato Producing Regions
1.7.3 Yearly Potato Production
Fig, Potato Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Potato Acreage from 2002-2012
1.7.4 Potato Consumption
1.7.5 Potato Import and Export
Fig, Potato Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Potato Export by Destination in 2012
1.7.6 Outlook of Potato Market
Table 1.7.1, Provincial Potato Output from 2002-2011
Table 1.7.2, Provincial Potato Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 1.7.3, Potato Export by Destination from 2008-2012
Chapter Two
2.1 Soybeans
2.1.1 Status of China’s Soybeans at the World Market
2.1.2 Layout of Soybean Producing Regions and Output
2.1.3 Yearly Soybean Production and Main Reason
Fig, Soybean Acreage from 2002-2012
Fig, Soybean Output from 2002-2012
2.1.4 Soybean Consumption and Price
Fig, Changes of Soybean Price from 2008-2012
2.1.5 Soybean Import and Export
Fig, Soybean Import by Origin in 2012
Table 2.1.1, Soybean Acreage by Region from 2002-2011
Table 2.1.2, Soybean Output from 2002-2011
Table 2.1.3, Soybean Import by Origin from 20008-2012
Table 2.1.4, Equilibrium of Soybean Supply and Demand
2.2 Rapeseed
2.2.1 Status of China’s Rapeseed at the World Market
2.2.2 Layout of Rapeseed Producing Regions and Output
2.2.3 Yearly Rapeseed Production
Fig, Changes of Rapeseed Acreage from 2002-2012
Fig, Changes of Rapeseed Output from 2002-2012
2.2.4 Consumption and Price of Rapeseed
2.2.5 Rapeseed Import and Export
Fig, Rapeseed import in China in 2012 by countries
Table 2.2.1, Provincial Rapeseed Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 2.2.2, Provincial Rapeseed Output from 2002-2011
Table 2.2.3, Rapeseed Import by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 2.2.4, Equilibrium of Rapeseed Supply and Demand
2.3 Peanut
2.3.1 Status of China’s Peanut at the World Market
2.3.2 Layout of Peanut Producing Regions and Output
2.3.3 Peanut Production
Fig, Peanut Acreage from 2002-2012
Fig, Peanut Output from 2002-2012
2.3.4 Peanut Consumption and Price
2.3.5 Peanut Import and Export
Table 2.3.1, Provincial Peanut Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 2.3.2, Provincial Peanut Output from 2002-2011
Table 2.3.3, Peanut Export by Destination from 2008-2012
Table 2.3.4, Equilibrium of Peanut Supply and Demand
2.4 Sunflower Seed
2.4.1 Status of China’s Sunflower Seed at the World Market
2.4.2 Layout of Sunflower Seed Producing Regions and Output
2.4.3 Sunflower Seed Production
Fig, Sunflower Seed Acreage from 2002-2012
Fig, Sunflower Seed Output from 2002-2012
Table 2.4.1, Provincial Acreage of Sunflower Seed from 2002-2011
Table 2.4.2, Provincial Output of Sunflower Seed from 2002-2011
Table 2.4.3, Import of Sunflower Seed by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 2.4.4, Export of Sunflower Seed by Destination
2.5 Sesame
2.5.1 Status of China’s Sesame at the World Market
2.5.2 Layout of Sesame Producing Regions and Output
Fig 2.5.1, Sesame Acreage from 2002-2012
Fig 2.5.2, Changes of Sesame Output from 2002-2012
Table 2.5.1, Provincial Sesame Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 2.5.2, Changes of Provincial Sesame Output from 2002-2011
2.6 Soy Oil
2.6.1 Layout of Soy Oil Producing Regions and Output
Fig, Soy Oil Production from 2002-2012
2.6.2 Soy Oil Consumption and Price
Fig, Factory Price of 4th-grade Soy Oil from 2008-2012
2.6.3 Soy Oil Import and Export
Fig, Soy Oil Import by Origin in 2012
Table 2.6.1, Soy Oil Import by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 2.6.2, Equilibrium of Soy Oil Supply and Demand
2.7 Canola Oil
2.7.1 Status of China’s Canola Oil at the World Market
2.7.2 Layout of Canola Oil Producing Regions and Output
2.7.3 Canola Oil Import and Export
Table 2.7.1, Canola Oil Import by Origin from 2002-2012
Table 2.7.2, Equilibrium of Canola Oil Supply and Demand
2.8 Palm Oil
2.8.1 Status of China’s Palm Oil at the World Market
2.8.2 Palm Oil Import and Export
Fig 2.8.1, Palm Oil Import by Origin in 2010
Table 2.8.1, Palm Oil Import by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 2.8.2, Equilibrium of Palm Oil Supply and Demand
2.9 Peanut Oil
2.9.1 Status of China’s Peanut Oil at the World Market
2.9.2 Layout of Peanut Oil Producing Regions
2.9.3 Status of Peanut Oil Production and Main Reason
2.9.4 Consumption and Price of Peanut Oil
Table 2.9.1, Equilibrium of Peanut Oil Supply and Demand
Chapter Three
3.1 Cotton
3.1.1 Status of China’s Cotton at the World Market
3.1.2 Layout of Cotton Producing Regions and Output
3.1.3 Yearly Cotton Production
Fig, Cotton Production from 2002-2012
Fig, Cotton Acreage from 2002-2012
3.1.4 Cotton Consumption and Price
Fig, Monthly Cotton Price from 2008-2012
3.1.5 Cotton Import and Export
Fig, Cotton Import and Export in 2002-2012
Fig, Import of Uncombed Cotton by Origin in 2012
Fig, Export of Uncombed Cotton by Destination in 2012
3.1.6 Outlook of Cotton Market
Table 3.1.1, Provincial Cotton Output from 2002-2011
Table 3.1.2, Provincial Cotton Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 3.1.3, Proportion of Cotton Output of Main Producing Regions in National Total from 2002-2011
Table 3.1.4, Equilibrium of Cotton Supply and Demand (crop year)
Table 3.1.5, Cotton Import by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 3.1.6, Cotton Export by Destination from 2008-2012
3.2 Hemp
3.2.1 Status of China’s Hemp at the World Market and Layout of Producing Regions
3.2.2 Yearly Hemp Production
Fig, Hemp Production from 2002-2012
Fig, Hemp Acreage from 2002-2012
3.2.3 Hemp Import and Export
Fig, Hemp Import and Export from 2002-2012
Table 3.2.1, Provincial Hemp Output from 2002-2011
Table 3.2.2, Provincial Hemp Acreage from 2002-2011
Chapter Four
Sugar Crops
4.1 Sugarcanes
4.1.1 Status of China’s Sugarcanes at the World Market
4.1.2 Layout of Sugarcane Producing Regions and Output
Fig, Proportion of Sugarcane Acreage of Main Producing Regions in 2009/10
4.1.3 Sugarcane Production from 2000/01-2009/10 Campaigns
Fig, Sugarcane Acreage and Output from 2002-2012
4.1.4 Sugarcane Consumption and Price
Fig, Sugarcane Procurement Price in Main Producing Regions from 2002/03-2012/13
4.1.5 Outlook of Sugarcane Market
Table 4.1.1, Provincial Sugarcane Output from 2002-2011
Table 4.1.2, Provincial Sugarcane Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 4.1.3, Sugarcane Procurement Price in Main Producing Regions
4.2 Sugar Beet
4.2.1 Status of China’s Sugar Beet at the World Market
4.2.2 Layout of Sugar Beet Producing Regions and Output
Fig, Proportion of Sugar Beet Acreage of Main Producing Regions
4.2.3 Sugar Beet Production from 2004/05-2005/06 and Main Reason
Fig, Sugar Beet Acreage and Output from 2002-2012
4.2.4 Sugar Beet Consumption and Price
Fig, Sugar Beet Procurement Price in Main Producing Regions from 2002/03-2012/13
Table 4.2.1, Provincial Sugar Beet Production from 2002-2011
Table 4.2.2, Provincial Sugar Beet Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 4.2.3, Sugar Beet Procurement Price in Main Producing Regions from 2000/01-2009/10
4.3 Sugar
4.3.1 Status of China’s Sugar at the World Market
4.3.2 Layout of Sugar Producing Regions and Output
Fig, Proportion of Cane Sugar Output of Main Producing Regions in 2012/13
Fig, Proportion of Beet Sugar Output of Main Producing Regions in 2012/13
4.3.3 Sugar Production and Main Reason
Fig, Sugar Production from 2002/03-2012/13
4.3.4 Sugar Consumption and Price
Fig, Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar in Cane Sugar Producing Provinces from 2008-2012
Fig, Wholesale Price of Soft Sugar in Beet Sugar Producing Provinces from 2008-2012
4.3.5 Sugar Import and Export
Table, Sugar Import from 2002-2012
Table, Monthly Sugar Export from 2002-2012
4.3.6 Outlook of Sugar Market
Table 4.3.1, Sugar Production from 2002/03-2012/13
Table 4.3.2, Cane Sugar Production from 2002/03-2012/13
Table 4.3.3, Beet Sugar Production from 2002/03-2012/13
Table 4.3.4, Equilibrium of Sugar Supply and Demand
Chapter Five
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Status of China’s Vegetables at the World Market
5.1.2 Layout of Vegetable Producing Regions and Output
5.1.3 Yearly Production of Vegetables and Main Reason
Fig, Vegetable Production from 2002-2012
Fig, Vegetable Acreage from 2002-2012
5.1.4 Vegetable Consumption
5.1.5 Vegetable Import and Export
Fig, Vegetable Export from 2002-2012
5.1.6 Outlook of Vegetable Market
Table 5.1.1, Provincial Vegetable Output from 2002-2011
Table 5.1.2, Provincial Vegetable Acreage from 2002-2011
5.2 Chinese Cabbage
5.2.1 Layout of Producing Regions of Chinese cabbage and Output
5.2.2 Consumption and Price of Chinese cabbage
Fig, Wholesale Price of Chinese cabbage from 2008-2012
5.2.3 Import and Export of Chinese cabbage
5.2.4 Outlook of Chinese cabbage
5.3 Cabbage
5.3.1 Status of China’s Cabbage at the World Market
5.3.2 Layout of Cabbage Producing Regions and Output
5.3.3 Cabbage Price
5.3.4 Outlook of Cabbage Market
5.4 Spinach
5.4.1 Status of China’s Spinach at the World Market
5.4.2 Layout of Spinach Producing Regions and Output
5.4.3 Spinach Import and Export
Fig, Spinach Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Spinach Export by Destination in 2012
5.5 Rape
5.5.1 Layout of Rape Producing Regions and Output
5.5.2 Outlook of Rape Market
Fig, Rape Wholesale Price in 2010
5.6 Tomato
5.6.1 Status of China’s Tomato at the World Market
5.6.2 Layout of Tomato Producing Regions and Output
5.6.3 Tomato Consumption and Price
Fig, Tomato Wholesale Price from 2008-2012
5.6.4 Tomato Import and Export
Fig, Tomato Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Tomato Export by Destination in 2012
5.6.5 Outlook of Tomato Market
5.7 Cucumber
5.7.1 Status of China’s Cucumber at the World Market
5.7.2 Layout of Cucumber Producing Regions and Output
5.7.3 Cucumber Consumption and Price
Fig, Cucumber Wholesale Price from 2008-2012
5.7.4 Cucumber Import and Export
Fig, Cucumber Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Cucumber Export by Destination in 2012
5.7.5 Outlook of Cucumber Market
5.8 Eggplant
5.8.1 Status of China’s Eggplant at the World Market
5.8.2 Layout of Eggplant Producing Regions and Output
5.8.3 Eggplant Price
Fig, Eggplant Wholesale Price from 2008-2012
5.8.4 Eggplant Import and Export
Fig, Eggplant Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Eggplant Export by Destination in 2012
5.8.5 Outlook of Eggplant Market
5.9 Chili
5.9.1 Layout of Chili Producing Regions and Output
5.9.2 Chili Consumption and Price
Fig, Wholesale Price of Dry Chili in 2010-2012
5.9.3 Chili Import and Export
Fig, Chili Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Chili Export by Destination in 2012
5.9.4 Outlook of Chili Market
5.10 Celery
5.10.1 Layout of Celery Producing Regions and Output
5.10.2 Celery Price
Fig, Celery Wholesale Price from 2008-2012
5.10.3 Celery Import and Export
Fig, Celery Import and Export from 2002-2012
5.11 Carrot
5.11.1 Status of China’s Carrot at the World Market
5.11.2 Layout of Carrot Producing Regions and Output
5.11.3 Carrot Consumption
5.11.4 Carrot Import and Export
Fig, Export of Carrot and Radish from 2002-2012
Fig, Export of Carrot and Radish by Destination in 2012
5.11.5 Outlook of Carrot Market
5.12 Radish
5.12.1 Layout of Radish Producing Regions and Output
5.12.2 Radish Consumption
5.12.3 Outlook of Radish Market
5.13 Cowpea
5.13.1 Layout of Cowpea Producing Regions and Output
5.13.2 Cowpea Import and Export
5.14 Garlic Bulb
5.14.1 Status of China’s Garlic Bulb at the World Market
5.14.2 Layout of Garlic Producing Regions and Output
5.14.3 Garlic Bulb Import and Export
Fig, Garlic Bulb Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Garlic Bulb Export by Destination in 2012
5.14.4 Outlook of Garlic Market
5.15 Shallot
5.15.1 Layout of Shallot Producing Regions and Output
5.15.2 Shallot Consumption
5.15.3 Shallot Import and Export
Fig, Shallot Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Shallot Export by Destination in 2012
5.15.4 Outlook of Shallot Market
Chapter Six
6.1 Overview
6.1.1 Status of China’s Fruits at the World Market
6.1.2 Layout of Fruit Producing Regions and Output
6.1.3 Yearly Fruit Production and Main Reason
Fig, Fruit Production from 2002-2012
Fig, Fruit Acreage from 2002-2012
6.1.4 Consumption and Price of Fruits
6.1.5 Fruit Import and Export
Fig, Fruit Import and Export from 2002-2012 (customs tariff code 08)
6.1.6 Outlook of Fruit Market
Table 6.1.1, Provincial Fruit Output from 2002-2011
Table 6.1.2, Provincial Fruit Acreage from 2002-2011
6.2 Apple
6.2.1 Status of China’s Apple at the World Market
6.2.2 Layout of Apple Producing Regions and Output
6.2.3 Yearly Apple Production
Fig, Apple Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Apple Acreage from 2002-2012
6.2.4 Apple Price
Fig, Apple Wholesale Price from 2008-2010
6.2.5 Apple Import and Export
Fig, Apple Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Apple Import by Origin in 2012
Fig, Apple Export by Destination in 2012
Table 6.2.1, Provincial Apple Output from 2002-2011
Table 6.2.2, Provincial Apple Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 6.2.3, Apple Export by Destination from 2008-2012
Table 6.2.4, Apple Import by Origin from 2008-2012
6.3 Citrus
6.3.1 Status of China’s Citrus at the World Market
6.3.2 Layout of Citrus Producing Regions and Output
6.3.3 Yearly Citrus Production
Fig, Citrus Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Citrus Acreage from 2002-2012
6.3.4 Citrus Price
Fig, Wholesale Price of Sweet Oranges from 2008-2010
6.3.5 Citrus Import and Export
Fig, Citrus Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Citrus Export by Destination in 2012
Fig, Citrus Import by Origin in 2012
Table 6.3.1, Provincial Citrus Output from 2002-2011
Table 6.3.2, Provincial Citrus Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 6.3.3, Citrus Export by Destination from 2008-2012
6.4 Pear
6.4.1 Layout of Pear Producing Regions and Output
6.4.2 Layout of Pear Producing Regions and Output
6.4.3 Yearly Pear Production
Fig, Pear Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Pear Acreage from 2002-2012
6.4.4 Yearly Pear Price
Fig, Pear Wholesale Price from 2008-2012
6.4.5 Pear Import and Export
Fig, Pear Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Pear Export by Destination in 2012
Table 6.4.1, Provincial Pear Output from 2002-2011
Table 6.4.2, Provincial Pear Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 6.4.3, Pear Export by Destination from 2002-2012
6.5 Banana
6.5.1 Status of China’s Banana at the World Market
6.5.2 Layout of Banana Producing Regions and Output
6.5.3 Yearly Banana Production
Fig, Banana Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Banana Acreage from 2002-2012
6.5.4 Banana Price
Fig, Banana Wholesale Price from 2008-2012
6.5.5 Banana Import and Export
Fig, Banana Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Banana Import by Origin in 2012
Fig, Banana Export by Destination in 2012
Table 6.5.1, Provincial Banana Output from 2002-2011
Table 6.5.2, Provincial Banana Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 6.5.3, Banana Import by Origin from 2002-2012
Table 6.5.4, Banana Export by Destination from 2002-2012
6.6 Grape
6.6.1 Status of China’s Grape at the World Market
6.6.2 Layout of Grape Producing Regions
6.6.3 Yearly Grage Output
Fig, Grape Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Vineyard Acreage from 2002-2012
6.6.4 Grape Consumption
Fig, Grape Wholesale Price
6.6.5 Grape Import and Export
Fig, Grape Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Grape Import by Origin in 2012
Fig, Grape Export by Destination in 2012
Table 6.6.1, Provincial Grape Output from 2002-2011
Table 6.6.2, Provincial Grape Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 6.6.3, Grape Import by Origin from 2008-2012
6.7 Peach
6.7.1 Status of China’s Peach at the World Market
6.7.2 Layout of Peach Producing Regions and Output
6.7.3 Yearly Peach Production
Fig, Peach Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Peach Acreage from 2002-2012
6.7.4 Peach Consumption
6.7.5 Peach Import and Export
Fig, Peach Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Peach Export by Destination in 2012
Table 6.7.1, Provincial Peach Output from 2002- 2011
Table 6.7.2, Provincial Peach Acreage from 2002- 2011
Table 6.7.3, Peach Export by Destination from 2008-2012
6.8 Lychee
6.8.1 Status of China’s Lychee at the World Market
6.8.2 Layout of Lycheee Producing Regions and Output
6.8.3 Yearly Lychee Production and Main Reason
Fig, Lychee Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Luchee Acreage from 2002-2012
6.8.4 Lychee Consumption and Price
6.8.5 Lychee Import and Export
Fig, Lychee Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Lychee Export by Destination in 2012
Fig, Lychee Import by Origin from 2012
Table 6.8.1, Provincial Lychee Output from 2002-2012
Table 6.8.2, Provincial Lychee Acreage from 2002-2012
Table 6.8.3, Lychee Import by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 6.8.4, Lychee Export by Destination from 2008-2012
Chapter Seven
7.1 Watermelon
7.1.1 Status of China’s Watermelon at the World Market
7.1.2 Layout of Watermelon Producing Regions and Output
7.1.3 Yearly Watermelon Production and Price
Fig, Watermelon Output from 2002- 2012
Fig, Watermelon Acreage from 2002-2012
7.1.4 Watermelon Import and Export
Fig, Watermelon Import and Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Watermelon Export by Destination in 2012
7.1.5 Outlook of Watermelon Market
Table 7.1.1, Provincial Watermelon Output from 2002-2011
Table 7.1.2, Provincial Watermelon Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 7.1.3, Watermelon Import by Origin from 2002-2012
Table 7.1.4, Watermelon Export by Destination from 2002-2012
7.2 Sweet Melons
7.2.1 Layout of Sweet Melon Producing Regions and Output
7.2.2 Yearly Production and Price of Sweet Melons
Fig, Sweet Melon Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Sweet Melon Acreage from 2002-2012
7.2.3 Sweet Melon Import and Export
Fig, Sweet Melon Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Sweet Melon Export by Destination in 2012
Table 7.2.1, Provincial Sweet Melon Output from 2002-2011
Table 7.2.2, Provincial Sweet Melon Acreage from 2002-2011
Table 7.2.3, Sweet Melon Export by Destination from 2002-2012
Chapter Eight
Natural Rubber
8.1 Status of China’s Natural Rubber at the World Market
8.2 Layout of Natural Rubber Producing Regions and Output
8.3 Yearly Natural Rubber Production
Fig 8.3.1, Natural Rubber Output from 2002-2012
Fig 8.3.2, Natural Rubber Acreage from 2002-2012
8.4 Consumption and Price of Natural Rubber
8.5 Natural Rubber Import and Export
Fig 8.5.1, Natural Rubber Import from 2002-2012
Fig 8.5.2, Natural Rubber Import by Origin in 2012
8.6 Outlook of Natural Rubber Market
Table 8.1, Provincial Output of Natural Rubber from 2002-2011
Table 8.2, Provincial Harvesting Area of Natural Rubber from 2002-2011
Table 8.4, Natural Rubber Import by Origin from 2002-2011
Chapter Nine
Cured Tobacco
9.1 Status of China’s Cured Tobacco at the World Market
9.2 Layout of Cured Tobacco Producing Regions and Output
9.3 Yearly Production of Cured Tobacco
Fig 9.3.1, Cured Tobacco Output from 2002-2012
Fig 9.3.2, Acreage of Cured Tobacco from 2002-2012
9.4 Consumption of Cured Tobacco
9.5 Import and Export of Cured Tobacco
Fig 9.5.1, Import and Export of Cured Tobacco from 2002-2012
Fig 9.5.2, Import of Cured Tobacco by Origin in 2012
Fig 9.5.3, Export of Cured Tobacco by Destination in 2012
9.6 Outlook of Cured Tobacco Market
Table 9.1, Provincial Output of Cured Tobacco from 2002-2011
Table 9.2, Provincial Harvesting Area of Cured Tobacco from 2002-2011
Table 9.3, Cured Tobacco Import by Origin from 2002-2012
Table 9.4, Cured Tobacco Export by Destination from 2002-2012
Chapter Ten
Tealeaves and Coffee
10.1 Tealeaves
10.1.1 Status of China’s Tealeaves at the World Market
10.1.2 Layout of Tealeaf Producing Regions and Output
10.1.3 Yearly Tealeaf Production
Fig, Tealeaf Production from 2002-2012
Fig, Tealeaf Acreage from 2002-2012
10.1.4 Tealeaf Consumption
10.1.5 Tealeaf Import and Export
Fig, Tealeaf Export from 2002-2012
Fig, Tealeaf Export by Destination in 2012
10.1.6 Outlook of Tealeaf Market
Table 10.1.1, Provincial Tealeaf Output from 2002-2011
Table 10.1.2, Provincial Tealeaf Harvesting Area from 2002-2011
Table 10.1.3, Tealeaf Export by Destination from 2002-2011
10.2 Coffee
10.2.1 Status of China’s Coffee at the World Market
10.2.2 Layout of Coffee Producing Regions and Output
10.2.3 Yearly Coffee Production
Fig, Coffee Output from 2002-2012
Fig, Coffee Acreage from 2002-2012
10.2.4 Coffee Consumption and Price
10.2.5 Coffee Import and Export
Fig, Coffee import in China in 2012 by countries
Fig, Coffee export in China in 2012 by countries
10.2.6 Outlook of Coffee Market
Table 10.2.1, Provincial Coffee Output from 2002-2011
Table 10.2.2, Provincial Harvesting Area of Coffee from 2002-2011
Chapter Eleven
11.1 Status of China’s Meats at the World Market
Fig 11.1.1, Output of Pork, Beef, Mutton, Poultry Meat and Poultry Eggs from 2002-2012
11.2 Pork
11.2.1 Status of China’s Pork at the World Market
11.2.2 Layout of Pork Producing Regions
11.2.3 Yearly Pork Production
Fig, Pork Production from 2002-2012
11.2.4 Pork Consumption and Price
Fig, Structure of Urban and Rural Pork Consumption from 2002-2012
Fig, Monthly Pork Retail Price from 2008-2012
11.2.5 Pork Import and Export
Fig, Pork Import and Export from 2002-2012
11.2.6 Outlook of Pork Market
Table 11.2.1, Provincial Pig Inventory from 2002-2011
Table 11.2.2, Provincial Pig Slaughter Amount from 2002-2011
Table 11.2.3, Provincial Pork Output from 2002-2011
Table 11.2.4, Equilibrium of Pork Supply and Demand
11.3 Beef
11.3.1 Status of China’s Beef at the World Market
11.3.2 Layout of Beef Producing Regions and Output
11.3.3 Yearly Beef Production and Main Reason
Fig, Beef Production from 2002-2012
11.3.4 Beef Consumption and Price
Fig, Monthly Beef Retail Price from 2008-2012
Table, Equilibrium of Beef Supply and Demand
11.3.5 Beef Import and Export
Fig, Beef Import and Export from 2002-2012
11.3.6 Outlook of Beef Market
Table 11.3.1, Provincial Beef Production from 2002-2011
Table 11.3.2, Provincial Cattle Inventory from 2002-2011
Table 11.3.3, Provincial Beef Output from 2002-2011
11.4 Poultry Meat
11.4.1 Status of China’s Poultry Meat at the World Market
11.4.2 Layout of Poultry Meat Producing Regions and Output
11.4.3 Yearly Poultry Meat Production
Fig, Poultry Meat Production from 2002-2012
11.4.4 Consumption and Price of Poultry Meat
Fig, Wholesale Price of Slaughtered White Chicken from 2008-2012
Table, Equilibrium of Poultry Meat Supply and Demand
11.4.5 Poultry Meat Import and Export
Fig, Import and Export of Poultry Meat from 2002-2012
11.4.6 Outlook of Poultry Meat Market
Table 11.4.1, Provincial Poultry Meat Output from 2002-2011
11.5 Mutton
11.5.1 Status of China’s Mutton at the World Market
11.5.2 Layout of Mutton Producing Regions and Output
11.5.3 Yearly Mutton Production and Main Reason
Fig, Mutton Production from 2002-2012
11.5.4 Mutton Consumption and Price
Fig, Monthly Mutton Retail Price from 2008-2012
11.5.5 Mutton Import and Export
Fig, Mutton Import and Export from 2002-2012
Table 11.5.1, Provincial Mutton Production from 2002-2011
Table 11.5.2, Provincial Sheep/goat Inventory from 2002-2011
11.6 Poultry Eggs
11.6.1 Status of China’s Poultry Eggs at the World Market
11.6.2 Layout of Poultry Egg Producing Regions and Output
Fig, Poultry Egg Production from 2002-2012
11.6.3 Yearly Production and Main Reason
11.6.4 Consumption and Price of Poultry Eggs
Fig, Retail Price of Chicken Eggs from 2008-2012
11.6.5 Yearly Import and Export of Poultry Eggs
Fig, Export of Poultry Eggs from 2002-2012
Table 11.6.1, Provincial Poultry Egg Production from 2000-2009
Chapter Twelve
Manufactured Feed
12.1 Overview
12.1.1 Status of China’s feed at the World Market
12.1.2 Feed Production
Fig, Output of Manufactured Feed from 2002-2012
Fig, Composition of Manufactured Feed in 2012
12.1.3 Feed Producing Regions
Fig, Regional Structure of Production of Compound and Mixed Feed by Scaled Feed Mills in 2012
12.1.4 Quantity of Feed enterprises and Structure
Fig, TOP 10 feed enterprises and their market share in China
Fig, Output of scale enterprises in China 2008-2012
12.1.5. Outlook of Manufactured Feed Market
Table 12.1.1, Regional Production of Manufactured Feed in 2011
Table 12.1.2, Regional Production of Compound Feed in 2011
12.2 Swine Feed
12.2.1 Regional Structure of Swine Feed Production
Fig, Regional Structure of Swine Feed Production in 2012
12.2.2 Swine Feed Production in 2012
Fig, Production of Swine Compound Feed from 2008-2012
12.2.3 Consumption and Price of Swine Feed in 2012
Table 12.2.1, Market Price of Compound Feed for Fattening Pigs in Different Regions in 2008-2012
12.3 Layer Feed
12.3.1 Regional Structure of Feed Production for Egg-type Poultry
Fig, Regional Structure of Feed Production for Egg-type Poultry in 2012
12.3.2 Production of Feed for Egg-type Poultry
Fig, Production of Compound Feed for Egg-type Poultry from 2008-2012
12.3.3 Consumption and Price of Egg-type Poultry Feed
Table 12.3.1, Market Price of Layer Compound Feed in Different Regions from 2008-2012
12.4 Feed for Meat-type Poultry
12.4.1 Regional Structure of Feed Production for Meat-type Poultry
Fig, Regional Structure of Meat-type Poultry Feed Production in 2012
12.4.2 Meat-type Poultry Feed Production
Fig, Production of Compound Feed for Meat-type Poultry from 2008-2012
12.4.3 Consumption and Price of Meat-type Poultry Feed in 2010
Table 12.4.1, Market Price of Compound Feed for Broilers of Different Regions in 2008-2012
12.5 Aquatic Feed
12.5.1 Regional Structure of Aquatic Feed Production
Fig, Regional Structure of Aquatic Feed Production in 2012
12.5.2 Aquatic Feed Production
Fig, Production of Aquatic Compound Feed from 2008-2012
12.5.3 Consumption of Aquatic Feed in 2010
Chapter Thirteen
13.1 Soymeal
13.1.1 Layout and Production of Soymeal
13.1.2 Yearly Soymeal Production and Main Reason
Fig, Changes of Soymeal Production from 2008-2012
13.1.3 Soymeal Consumption and Price
Fig, Soymeal Retail Price from 2008-2012
13.1.4 Soymeal Import and Export
Fig, Soymeal Export by Destination in 2012
Table 13.1.1, Soymeal Import by Origin from 2002-2012
Table 13.1.2, Soymeal Export by Destination from 2002-2012
13.2 Rapeseed Meal
13.2.1 Status of China’s Rapeseed Meal at the World Market
13.2.2 Layout of Rapeseed Meal
13.2.3 Production of Rapeseed Meal and Main Reason
Fig, Rapeseed Meal Production from 2007-2012
13.2.4 Consumption and Price of Rapeseed Meal
13.2.5 Rapeseed Meal Import and Export
Fig, Rapeseed Meal Export by Destination in 2012
Table 13.2.1, Rapeseed Meal Export by Destination from 2002-2012
13.3 Fish Meal
13.3.1 Status of China’s Fish Meal at the World Market
13.3.2 Fish Meal Production and Regional Layout
13.3.3 Fish Meal Production and Main Reason
Fig, Fish Meal Production from 2002-2012
13.3.4 Fish Meal Consumption and Price
Fig, Retail Price of Fish Meal and Domestic Consumption from 2008-2012
13.3.5 Fish Meal Import and Export
Fig, Fish Meal Import from 2008-2012
Fig, Regional Structure of Fish Meal Import in 2012
13.3.6 Outlook of Fish Meal Market
Table 13.3.1, Regional Production of Fish Meal from 2002-2011
Table 13.3.2, Fish Meal Import by Origin from 2008-2012
13.4 Meat and Bone Meal
13.4.1 Status of China’s Meat and Bone Meal at the World Market
13.4.2 Layout and Production of Meat and Bone Meal
13.4.3 Yearly Production of Meat and Bone Meal and Main Reason
Fig, Meat and Bone Meal Production from 2008-2012
13.4.4 Consumption of Meat and Bone Meal
Fig, Consumption of Meat and Bone Meal from 2008-2012
13.4.5 Import and Export of Meat and Bone Meal
Fig, Import of Meat and Bone Meal from 2008-2012
13.4.6 Outlook of Meat and Bone Meal
Table 13.4.1, Import of Meat and Bone Meal based on Bovine and Sheep/goat from 2008-2012
13.5 Lysine
13.5.1 Status of China’s Lysine at the World Market
13.5.2 Lysine Production and Regional Layout
13.5.3 Lysine Production and Main Reason in 2010
Fig, Lysine Production from 2008-2012
13.5.4 Lysine Consumption and Price in 2009
Fig, Lysine Consumption from 2008-2012
13.5.5 Lysine Import and Export
Fig, Lysine Import and Export from 2008-2012
Fig, Structure of Export Destinations of Lysine Ester and Salt in 2010
13.5.6 Outlook of Lysine Market
Table 13.5.1, Regional Lysine Production
13.6 Methionine
13.6.1 Status of China’s Methionine at the World Market
13.6.2 Methionine Consumption and Price
Fig, Methionine Consumption from 2008-2012
13.6.3 Methionine Import and Export
Fig, Methionine Import from 2008-2012
Fig, Methionine Import by Origin in 2012
13.6.4 Outlook of Methionine Market
Table 13.6.1, Equilibrium of Methionine Supply and Demand
Table 13.6.2, Methionine Import by Origin from 2008-2012
Chapter Fourteen
Aquatic Production
14.1 Overview
14.1.1 Aquatic Production
Fig, Output of Aquatic Products from 2002-2012
14.1.2 Import and Export of Aquatic Products
14.2 Freshwater Products
14.2.1 Status of China’s Freshwater Products at the World Market
14.2.2 Layout of Freshwater Products and Output
Fig, Regional Structure of Freshwater Products in 2012
14.2.3 Yearly Output of Freshwater Products
Fig, Output of Freshwater Products from 2002-2012
14.2.4 Outlook of Freshwater Products Market
14.3 Seawater Products
14.3.1 Status of China’s Seawater Products at the World Market
14.3.2 Layout of Seawater Products and Output
Fig, Regional Structure of Output of Seawater Products in 2012
14.3.3 Yearly Output of Seawater Products
Fig, Output of Seawater Products from 2002-2012
14.3.4 Outlook of Seawater Products Market
Table 14.3.1, Regional Output of Aquatic Products in 2011
Chapter Fifteen
Dairy Products
15.1 Output of Milk and Dairy Products and Layout
15.1.1 Raw Milk
Fig, Dairy Cattle Inventory from 2002- 2012
Fig, Trend of Raw Milk Production from 2002- 2012
15.1.2 Liquid Milk
Fig, Proportion of Provincial Liquid Milk Output in National Total, 2012
15.1.3 Solid Milk
Fig, Production Condition and the Major Reasons of Dairy and Dairy Product Production in China
15.2 Production Condition and the Major Reasons of Dairy and Dairy Product Production in China
15.2.1 Production Condition and the Major Reasons of Raw Milk
15.2.2 Production Condition and the Major Reasons of Liquid Milk
Fig, Liquid milk output in China 2002-2012
Fig, Composition of Liquid Milk
15.2.3 Production Condition and the Major Reasons of Solid Dairy Products
Fig, Output of solid dairy products in various areas in China in 2012
Fig, Solid dairy product output (of the major production provinces) proportion against the national total in China in 2012
Fig, Milk powder output trend in China 2002-2012
Fig, Milk powder output (of the major production provinces) proportion against the national total in China in 2012
15.3 Dairy Consumption and Price in 2012
15.3.1 Overview of Dairy Consumption
Table Dairy Consumption of 36 Large and Medium Cities, by Quantity, First Three Quarters, 2011-2012
Fig, Consumption structure of dairy products in 36 large-medium cities in China 2008-2012
15.3.2 Price of Dairy
Table, Retail Prices of Dairy Products of 36 Large and Medium Cities
Table, Retail Prices of Milk Powder of 36 Large and Medium Cities
15.4 Dairy Import and Export
15.4.1 Import Overview
Table, Dairy Import Import Structure
Fig Changes of Structure of Dairy Import
15.4.2Export Overview
Table, Dairy Export Structure of Dairy Export
Fig, Structure of Dairy Export
Table 15.1, Raw Milk Supply and Demand Balance of China
Table 15.2, Whole milk powder Supply and Demand Balance of China
Table 15.3, Skim milk powder Supply and Demand Balance of China
Chapter Sixteen
16.1 Review on Fertilizer Market
16.1.1 Fertilizer Production in 2012
Fig, Monthly Fertilize Production
16.1.2 Fertilizer Import and Export
16.1.3 Fertilizer Consumption
16.1.4 Fertilizer Price Trend
Fig, Producer’s Prices of Fertilizers
Fig, Retail Prices of Fertilizers
Table 16.1.1, Equilibrium of Fertilizer
Table 16.1.2, Import by Major Chemical Fertilizer Products
Table 16.1.3, Exports by Major Chemical Fertilizer Products
Table 16.1.4, Chemical Fertilizer Production
Table 16.1.5, Chemical Fertilizer Consumption
16.2 Nitrogen Fertilizer
16.2.1 Output of Nitrogen Fertilizer
Fig, Monthly Nitrogen Fertilizer Production
Fig, Proportion of Nitrogen Fertilizer Production
16.2.2 Import & Export of Nitrogen Fertilizer
Fig,Monthly Urea Exports
16.2.3 Nitrogen Fertilizer Consumption
16.2.4 Analysis on UREA Market UREA Output
Fig, Monthly Urea Production UREA Consumption Price Trend of UREA
Fig, China Urea Monthly Retail Prices
16.2.5 ABC Market ABC Output ABC Consumption ABC Price Trend
Fig, China ABC Monthly Retail Prices
Table 16.2.1, N-Fertilizer Balance Sheet
Table 16.2.2, Balance Sheet of Urea in China
Table 16.2.3, N-Fertilizer Production by Variety
Table 16.2.4, N-Fertilizer Production
Table 16.2.5, N-Fertilizer Consumption
Table 16.2.6, China’s Urea Imports by Country Original
Table 16.2.7, China’s Urea Exports by Destination Country
16.3 Phosphate Fertilizer
16.3.1 Analysis on Phosphate Fertilizer Market
16.3.2 Phosphate Fertilizer Output
Fig, Monthly Phosphate Fertilizer Production
Fig, Proportion of Phosphate Fertilizer Production
16.3.3 Import & Export of Phosphate Fertilizer
16.3.4 Phosphate Fertilizer Consumption
16.3.5 Price Trend of Phosphate Fertilizer
Fig, China SSP Monthly Retail Prices
Table 16.3.1, P-Fertilizers Balance Sheet
Table 16.3.2, P-Fertilizer Production by Variety
Table 16.3.3, P-Fertilizer Production
Table 16.3.4, P-Fertilizer Consumption
16.4 Potassium Fertilizer
16.4.1 Analysis on Potassium Fertilizer Market
16.4.2 Output of Potassium Fertilizer
Fig, Monthly Potash fertilizer Production
16.4.3 Import & Export of Potassium Fertilizer
Fig,Monthly MOP Imports
Fig,Monthly SOP Imports
16.4.4 Potassium Fertilizer Consumption
16.4.5 Price Trend of Potassium Fertilizer
Fig, MOP Monthly Retail Prices
Fig, SOP Monthly Retail Prices
Fig, Imported MOP (red) Prices At Ports
Fig, Imported MOP (white) Prices At Ports
Table 16.4.1, K-Fertilizers Balance Sheet
Table 16.4.2, K-Fertilizer Production by Variety
Table 16.4.3, K-Fertilizer Production
Table 16.4.4, K-Fertilizer Consumption
Table 16.4.5, MOP Imports by Country Original
Table 16.4.6, MOP Exports by Destination Country
Table 16.4.7, SOP Imports by Country Original
Table 16.4.8, SOP Exports by Destination Country
16.5 Compound Fertilizer
16.5.1 Analysis on Compound Fertilizer Market
16.5.2 Compound Fertilizer Output
Fig, Monthly DAP Production
16.5.3 Import & Export of Compound Fertilizer
Fig,Monthly DAP Exports
Fig,Monthly MAP Exports
Fig,Monthly NPK Imports
Fig,Monthly NP Compound Fertilizer Exports
16.5.4 Compound Fertilizer Consumption
16.5.5 Price Trend of NPK, DAP and MAP
Fig, NPK Monthly Retail Prices
Table 16.5.1, Balance Sheet of Compound Fertilizer
Table 16.5.2, Balance Sheet of DAP in China
Table 16.5.3, Balance Sheet of NPK in China
Table 16.5.4, Compound Fertilizer Production
Table 16.5.5, Compound Fertilizer Consumption
Table 16.5.6, NPK Imports by Country Original
Table 16.5.7, NPK Exports by Destination Country
Table 16.5.8, DAP Imports by Country Original
Table 16.5.9, DAP Exports by Country Destination
Chapter Seventeen
Farm Chemicals
17.1 Pesticides
17.1.1 Status of China’s Pesticides at the World Market
17.1.2 Layout or Pesticides and Output
Table, Provincial Output of Pesticides in 2008-2012
17.1.3 Yearly Output of Pesticides and Main Reason
Fig, Output of Pesticides from 2002-2012
17.1.4 Market Consumption and Price
Fig, Pesticide EXW price
Table17.1.4.1, Retail price of DDVP (80% emulsion) in China in 2012 by provinces
Table17.1.4.2, Retail price of Omethoate (40% emulsion) in China in 2012 by provinces
17.1.5 Import and Export
Fig, Import and export of Pesticides from 2008-2012
Table 17.1.1, Import of Pesticides not in Retail Packs by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 17.1.2, Import of Pesticides in Retail Packs by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 17.1.3, Export of Pesticides not in Retail Packs by Destination from 2008-2012
Table 17.1.4, Export of Pesticides in Retail Packs by Destination from 2008-2012
17.1.6 Outlook on Pesticide Market
17.2 Fungicides
17.2.1 Status of China’s Fungicides at the World Market
17.2.2 Layout of Fungicides and Output
Table, Provincial Fungicide Output in 2008-2012
17.2.3 Yearly Production and Main Reason
Fig, Output of Fungicides from 2002-2012
17.2.4 Market Consumption and Price
Fig, Tuzet Price from 2008-2012
Table17.2.4.1, Carbendazim retail price in China in 2012 by provinces
17.2.5 Import and Export
Fig, Import and export of Fungicides from 2002-2012
Table 17.2.1, Import of Fungicides not in Retail Packs by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 17.2.2, Import of Fungicides in Retail Packs by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 17.2.3, Export of Fungicides not in Retail Packs by Destination from 2008-2012
Table 17.2.4, Export of Fungicides in Retail Packs by Destination from 2008-2012
17.2.6 Outlook on Bactericide Market
17.3 Herbicides
17.3.1 Status of China’s Herbicides at the World Market
17.3.2 Layout of Herbicides and Output
Table, Provincial Herbicide Output in 2008-2012
17.3.3 Yearly Output and Main Reason
Fig, Output of Herbicides from 2002-2012
17.3.4 Market Consumption and Price
Fig, Herbicide Price from 2008-2012
Table17.3.4.1, Paraquat (20% aqueous solution) retail price in China in 2012 by provinces
17.3.5 Import and Export
Fig, Import and export of Herbicides from 2002-2012
Table 17.3.1, Import of Herbicides not in Retail Packs by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 17.3.2, Import of Herbicides in Retail Packs by Origin from 2008-2012
Table 17.3.3, Export of Herbicides not in Retail Packs by Destination from 2008-2012
Table 17.3.4, Export of Herbicides in Retail Packs by Destination from 2008-2012
17.3.6 Outlook on Herbicide Market
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