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New Drought Assistance For Producers

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2012-08-09 19:18:52China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:New Drought

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA will utilize nearly $16 million in financial and technical assistance to immediately help crop and livestock producers in 19 states cope with the adverse impacts of the historic drought.

In addition, USDA will initiate a transfer of $14 million in unobligated program funds into the Emergency Conservation Program.

These funds can be used to assist in moving water to livestock in need, providing emergency forage for livestock, and rehabilitating lands severely impacted by the drought.

Together these efforts should provide nearly $30 million to producers struggling with drought conditions.

Vilsack says this additional assistance builds on a number of steps USDA has taken over the past few weeks to provide resources and flexibility in our existing programs to help producers endure these serious hardships.

The White House also announced a number of new measures the Administration is taking, including USDA's assistance for livestock and crop producers, the National Credit Union Administration's increased capacity for lending to customers including farmers, and the U.S. Department of Transportation's emergency waivers for federal truck weight regulations and hours of service requirements to drought-stricken communities.

Within the last month, USDA has opened the Conservation Reserve Program to emergency haying and grazing, has lowered the borrower interest rate for emergency loans, and has worked with crop insurance companies to provide more flexibility to farmers.

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