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Sunflower Harvest Remains Well Ahead of Average

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2012-10-17 22:34:49China Agriculture Report Print

Temperatures cooled across the region last week, but little to no precipitation allowed for "full steam ahead" progress on sunflower harvest, reports the National Sunflower Association.

Harvest remains well ahead of schedule in most regions of the Dakotas reaching the half-way point this week. In Minnesota, harvest is over 75% complete. In the High Plains region of Colorado and Kansas harvest is moving slightly slower. Growers there are pushing to finish harvesting corn that was pushed to maturity quicker due to the severe drought conditions. For the state-by-state crop progress go to our website at www.sunflowernsa.com.

Harvest is moving along swiftly in the Dakotas. Delivery points are reporting yields ranging from 1,700 to 2,100 lbs/ac. Oil percentages range from 42.5 in the southwestern parts of the region to 44.5 in the east central portion (averaging 43.5%). Test weight is averaging around 31. Moistures remain low in the 6-9% range in most regions. Harvest reports of oilseed from the High Plains regions of Kansas and Colorado are much less positive due to excessive drought conditions where harvest is still in the early stages. Early deliveries of irrigated acres have good yield and test weight. Dry land, however, is a different story. Confection acres across the region are echoing oilseed reports. The Dakotas are producing good yields and test weight with very little disease. Seed size is average. Kansas and Colorado deliveries are disappointing. Northern Texas confection reports of test weight and seed size have improved from early deliveries.

Contrary to last year, dry conditions this year made for very little Sclerotinia head rot in-field and an early harvest. Approximately 20 to 30% of the crop had been harvested as of last Friday, with reported yields ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 lbs/ac. The provincial average is estimated at 1,800 lbs/ac. Quality is good, however some lygus bug damage is evident in some areas.

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