Bayer launches soybean diseases risk assessment service in Argentina

With the purpose of enabling Bayer CropScience clients, who use Sphere Max, to plan an adequate use of fungicides so as to maximize their return on investment, the company and the School of Agricultural Science of Buenos Aires (Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires) will submit regional reports analyzing the outlook on soybean diseases for the upcoming season. Product users will regularly receive these reports until March 2013.
On a weekly basis, those who have bought the product will receive reports, prepared by specialists, with risk assessments for diseases such as Frogeye leaf spot and late season diseases that will prove useful for subsequent days.
Jorge Barrionuevo, responsible for the Bayer CropScience Soybean Market in the Southern Cone explains: “When planning upon the application of the product, it is paramount to count with the latest information. It is worth mentioning that around 50 kg of soybean per hectare could be lost per day when use of the product is delayed. Therefore, the more appropriate the moment to carry out the work, the greater the productivity for the user.”
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