Analysis and Forecast on China Sugar Industry (2016-2017)

Price: 16000元/年(English Version) 12000元/年(Chinese Version)
Brief Introduction:
Basic Information:
Table of Contents:
Chapter I The General Situation of Global Market for Sugar
1.1 Overview of Global Sugar Manufacturing Industry
1.2 Analysis of Supply and Demand of Global Sugar
1.2.1 Analysis and Forecast of Global Sugar Production
1.2.2 Analysis and Forecast of Global Sugar Consumption
1.3 Sugar Supply and Demand of Key Producing Countries and Forecast
1.3.1 Brazil
1.3.2 India
1.3.3 USA
1.3.4 European Union
1.3.5 Thailand
1.3.6 Russian
1.4 Global Price Trend and Forecast
Chapter II Analysis of Policy Environment of China’s Sugar Industry
2.1 Development Plan of China’s Sugar Industry
2.1.1 Production and Development Plan on Sugar Cane Growing Regions (2015-2020)
2.1.2 Special Plan for the 5 Million Mu “Four-goal” Sugar Cane Growing Land Rectification Project in Guangxi
2.2 Analysis of Sugar Purchasing and Storage Policy of China’s Sugar Industry
2.2.1 National Temporary Reserve
2.2.2 Regional Temporary Reserve
2.3 Analysis of China’s Sugar Materials Purchasing and Pricing Policies
2.4 China’s Trading Polices on Sugar Import & Export
2.4.1 Sugar Import Quota Policy to Continue
2.4.2 Sugar Included into Automatic Import Approval Management
2.4.3 Ministry of Commerce “Investigation on Sugar Import Guarantee Measures”
2.5 Forecast on Policy Change
2.5.1 Targeted Sugar Price Management
2.5.2 Sugar Import Management
2.5.3 Threshold of Sugar Manufacturing Industry
Chapter III General Situation of China’s Sugar Manufacturing Industry
3.1 Industrial Scale
3.2 Revenue from Core Business Sector
3.3 Cost and Profit of Core Business Sector
3.4 Number of Companies Running in Losses and Total Deficit
3.5 Gross Margin of the Industry
Chapter IV Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Crops Production
4.1 Sugarcane Production in China
4.1.1 Sugarcane Planting Area and Yield in China
4.1.2 Distribution of China’s Sugarcane Planting Regions Sugarcane Planting Area by Province Sugarcane Output by Province Sugarcane Per Unit Yield by Province
4.1.3 Sugarcane Planting Varieties in China
4.1.4 Mechanized Planting and Harvesting of Canes in China
4.1.5 Sugarcane Purchasing Price in Main Producing Province
4.1.6 Planting Cost and Benefit from Canes
4.1.7 Cane Farming Trend in China
4.2 Sugar Beet Production in China
4.2.1 Sugar Beet Planting Area and Yield in China
4.2.2 Distribution of China’s Sugar Beet Planting Regions Sugar Beet Planting Area by Province Sugar Beet Output by Province Sugar Beet Per Unit Yield by Province
4.2.3 Sugar Beet Planting Varieties in China
4.2.4 Mechanized Planting and Harvesting of Sugar Beet in China
4.2.5 Sugar Beet Purchasing Price in Main Producing Province
4.2.6 Planting Cost and Benefit from Sugar Beet
4.2.7 Sugar Beet Farming Trend in China
Chapter V Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Production
5.1 China’s Sugar Output
5.1.1 China’s Sugar Total Output and Trend
5.1.2 China’s Sugar Output by Province
5.2 Distribution and Production Capacity of China’s
5.2.1 Quantity of China’s Grinding Sugar Mills
5.2.2 Daily Grinding Capability of China’s Grinding Sugar Mills
5.3 Other Production Technological and Economic Indicators of China’s Grinding Sugar Mills
5.3.1 China’s Sugar Product Cost
5.3.2 China’s Mixed Sugar Production Ratio by Province
5.4 Raw Sugar Processing Capacity and Layout in China
Chapter VI Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Consumption
6.1 Analysis on China’s Total Sugar Consumption and Prospect
6.1.1 China’s Total Sugar Consumption and Forecast
6.1.2 China’s Sugar Consumption Per Capita
6.2 Analysis on China Food Industry Sugar Consumption
6.3 Analysis on the Impact of the Development of Sugary Food Industry on the Development of Sugar Industry
6.4 Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents
6.4.1 Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents by Provinces
6.4.2 Forecast of Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents
Chapter VII Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Trade
7.1 China’s Sugar Imports
7.1.1 China’s Sugar Imports and Trend
7.1.2 China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Country
7.1.3 China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Country
7.2 China’s Sugar Imports by Enterprise
7.2.1 China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Enterprise
7.2.2 China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Enterprise
7.3 China’s Sugar Imports by Port
7.4 China’s Sugar Imports by Province
7.5 China’s Sugar Exports
7.4.1 China’s Sugar Exports and Trend
7.4.2 China’s Raw Sugar Exports by Country
7.4.3 China’s Granulated Sugar Exports by Country
7.6 Analysis and Prediction of China’s Net Import of Sugar
Chapter VIII Analysis and Forecast of the Production, Consumption of China’s Sugar Substitutes
8.1 Analysis on China’s Starch Sugar Output and Trend
8.1.1 China’s Starch Sugar Output
8.1.2 China’s Starch Sugar Consumption and Prospect
8.2 Analysis on China’s Saccharin Production and Consumption
8.3 Other Sugar Substitutes
8.4 Impact of Sugar Substitutes on the Sugar Industry
Chapter IX Analysis and Forecast of Sugar Supply and Demand Balance
Chapter X Analysis and Forecast of Sugar Price
10.1 China’s Domestic Sugar Price
10.2.1 Price Index of Sugar Wholesale Markets in China
10.2.2 The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Producing Areas
10.2.3 The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Selling Areas
10.2.4 China’s Imported Sugar CIF
10.2.5 China’s Imported Raw Sugar CIF
10.2 International Sugar Price
10.3.1 Futures Prices of New York No. 11 Raw Sugar in Recent Months
10.3.2 Comparison of Domestic Sugar Price and Imported Sugar Price
10.3 Factors Affecting Sugar Price Trend in China
Chapter XI China’s Major Sugar Enterprise (Groups)
11.1 Guangxi Yangpu Nanhua Sugar Industry Group Co., Ltd.
11.1.1 Business Movement
11.1.2 Industrial Distribution
11.2 COFCO Tunhe Co., Ltd.
11.2.1 Business Movement
11.2.2 Industrial Distribution
11.3 Guangxi Yangpu Nanhua Sugar Industry Group
11.3.1 Business Movement
11.3.2 Industrial Distribution
11.4 Guangxi Nanning Dongya Sugar Industry Co., Ltd.
11.4.1 Business Movement
11.4.2 Industrial Distribution
11.5 Guangxi Dongtang Investment Co., Ltd.
11.5.1 Business Movement
11.5.2 Industrial Distribution
11.6 Guangxi State Farms Sugar Industrial Group Company Limited
11.6.1 Business Movement
11.6.2 Industrial Distribution
11.7 Nanning Sugar Industry Co., Ltd.
11.7.1 Business Movement
11.7.2 Industrial Distribution
11.8 Guangxi Guitang (Group) Co., Ltd.
11.8.1 Business Movement
11.8.2 Industrial Distribution
11.9 Guangdong Hengfu Sugar Industry Group Co., Ltd.
11.9.1 Business Movement
11.9.2 Industrial Distribution
List of Tables
Table, China’s Sugarcane Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Planting Area by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Per Unit Yield by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Major Sugarcane Planting Varieties of China
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Planting Area by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Per Unit Yield by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season Table, China’s Sugar Beet Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Major Sugar Beet Planting Varieties of China
Table, Sugarcane Purchasing Price in Main Sugarcane Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Sugar Beet Purchasing Price in Main Sugar Beet Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Cane Sugar Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Beet Sugar Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Quantity of China’s Sugar Mills by Province
Table, Sugar Materials Daily Grinding Capacity of All Provinces
Table, Sugar Production Cost
Table, Cane Sugar Output Ratio of Main Sugarcane Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Beet Sugar Output Ratio of Main Sugar Beet Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Consumption in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Consumption Per Capita in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Output of Carbonated Beverages in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Fruit Juice and Juice Beverages in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Dairy Products in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Canned Food in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Candies in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Frozen Food Staple in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Frozen Beverages in 2007-2016
Table, Sugar Consumption of China’s Food Industry in 2007-2016
Table, Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents by Provinces in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Sugar Imports in 2007-2016
Table, China’s White Granulated Sugar Imports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Enterprise in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Enterprise in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Sugar Imports by Port
Table, China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Port
Table, China’s Sugar Exports and Trend in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Raw Sugar Exports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Granulated Sugar Exports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’ Starch Sugar Production and Consumption in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Top 20 Starch Sugar Enterprises by Production Capacity
Table, China’s Saccharin Output and Consumption in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Other Main Substitute Production in 2007-2016
Table, Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar in Nanning i2007-2016
Table, The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Selling Areas in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Imported White sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Imported Raw Sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Table, Futures Prices of New York No. 11 Raw Sugar in Recent Months in 2007-2016
Table, National Sugar Supply-Demand Balance
List of Figures
Figure, China’s Sugarcane Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugarcane Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Beet Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Beet Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Consumption in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Consumption Per Capita in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, Proportion of China’s Industrial Sugar Consumption
Figure, China’s Sugar Imports in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s White Granulated Sugar Imports in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s White Granulated Sugar Import Proportions by Country
Figure, China’s Sugar Exports and Trend in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Granulated Sugar Exports in 2007-2016
Figure, China’ Starch Sugar Production and Consumption in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Saccharin Output and Domestic Selling Forecast in 2007-2016
Figure, Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar in Nanning in 2007-2016
Figure, The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Selling Areas in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Imported White sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Imported Raw Sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Figure, Futures Prices of New York No. 11 Raw Sugar in Recent Months in 2007-2016
Figure, Comparison of Domestic Sugar Price and Imported Sugar Price
1.1 Overview of Global Sugar Manufacturing Industry
1.2 Analysis of Supply and Demand of Global Sugar
1.2.1 Analysis and Forecast of Global Sugar Production
1.2.2 Analysis and Forecast of Global Sugar Consumption
1.3 Sugar Supply and Demand of Key Producing Countries and Forecast
1.3.1 Brazil
1.3.2 India
1.3.3 USA
1.3.4 European Union
1.3.5 Thailand
1.3.6 Russian
1.4 Global Price Trend and Forecast
Chapter II Analysis of Policy Environment of China’s Sugar Industry
2.1 Development Plan of China’s Sugar Industry
2.1.1 Production and Development Plan on Sugar Cane Growing Regions (2015-2020)
2.1.2 Special Plan for the 5 Million Mu “Four-goal” Sugar Cane Growing Land Rectification Project in Guangxi
2.2 Analysis of Sugar Purchasing and Storage Policy of China’s Sugar Industry
2.2.1 National Temporary Reserve
2.2.2 Regional Temporary Reserve
2.3 Analysis of China’s Sugar Materials Purchasing and Pricing Policies
2.4 China’s Trading Polices on Sugar Import & Export
2.4.1 Sugar Import Quota Policy to Continue
2.4.2 Sugar Included into Automatic Import Approval Management
2.4.3 Ministry of Commerce “Investigation on Sugar Import Guarantee Measures”
2.5 Forecast on Policy Change
2.5.1 Targeted Sugar Price Management
2.5.2 Sugar Import Management
2.5.3 Threshold of Sugar Manufacturing Industry
Chapter III General Situation of China’s Sugar Manufacturing Industry
3.1 Industrial Scale
3.2 Revenue from Core Business Sector
3.3 Cost and Profit of Core Business Sector
3.4 Number of Companies Running in Losses and Total Deficit
3.5 Gross Margin of the Industry
Chapter IV Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Crops Production
4.1 Sugarcane Production in China
4.1.1 Sugarcane Planting Area and Yield in China
4.1.2 Distribution of China’s Sugarcane Planting Regions Sugarcane Planting Area by Province Sugarcane Output by Province Sugarcane Per Unit Yield by Province
4.1.3 Sugarcane Planting Varieties in China
4.1.4 Mechanized Planting and Harvesting of Canes in China
4.1.5 Sugarcane Purchasing Price in Main Producing Province
4.1.6 Planting Cost and Benefit from Canes
4.1.7 Cane Farming Trend in China
4.2 Sugar Beet Production in China
4.2.1 Sugar Beet Planting Area and Yield in China
4.2.2 Distribution of China’s Sugar Beet Planting Regions Sugar Beet Planting Area by Province Sugar Beet Output by Province Sugar Beet Per Unit Yield by Province
4.2.3 Sugar Beet Planting Varieties in China
4.2.4 Mechanized Planting and Harvesting of Sugar Beet in China
4.2.5 Sugar Beet Purchasing Price in Main Producing Province
4.2.6 Planting Cost and Benefit from Sugar Beet
4.2.7 Sugar Beet Farming Trend in China
Chapter V Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Production
5.1 China’s Sugar Output
5.1.1 China’s Sugar Total Output and Trend
5.1.2 China’s Sugar Output by Province
5.2 Distribution and Production Capacity of China’s
5.2.1 Quantity of China’s Grinding Sugar Mills
5.2.2 Daily Grinding Capability of China’s Grinding Sugar Mills
5.3 Other Production Technological and Economic Indicators of China’s Grinding Sugar Mills
5.3.1 China’s Sugar Product Cost
5.3.2 China’s Mixed Sugar Production Ratio by Province
5.4 Raw Sugar Processing Capacity and Layout in China
Chapter VI Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Consumption
6.1 Analysis on China’s Total Sugar Consumption and Prospect
6.1.1 China’s Total Sugar Consumption and Forecast
6.1.2 China’s Sugar Consumption Per Capita
6.2 Analysis on China Food Industry Sugar Consumption
6.3 Analysis on the Impact of the Development of Sugary Food Industry on the Development of Sugar Industry
6.4 Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents
6.4.1 Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents by Provinces
6.4.2 Forecast of Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents
Chapter VII Analysis and Forecast of China’s Sugar Trade
7.1 China’s Sugar Imports
7.1.1 China’s Sugar Imports and Trend
7.1.2 China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Country
7.1.3 China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Country
7.2 China’s Sugar Imports by Enterprise
7.2.1 China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Enterprise
7.2.2 China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Enterprise
7.3 China’s Sugar Imports by Port
7.4 China’s Sugar Imports by Province
7.5 China’s Sugar Exports
7.4.1 China’s Sugar Exports and Trend
7.4.2 China’s Raw Sugar Exports by Country
7.4.3 China’s Granulated Sugar Exports by Country
7.6 Analysis and Prediction of China’s Net Import of Sugar
Chapter VIII Analysis and Forecast of the Production, Consumption of China’s Sugar Substitutes
8.1 Analysis on China’s Starch Sugar Output and Trend
8.1.1 China’s Starch Sugar Output
8.1.2 China’s Starch Sugar Consumption and Prospect
8.2 Analysis on China’s Saccharin Production and Consumption
8.3 Other Sugar Substitutes
8.4 Impact of Sugar Substitutes on the Sugar Industry
Chapter IX Analysis and Forecast of Sugar Supply and Demand Balance
Chapter X Analysis and Forecast of Sugar Price
10.1 China’s Domestic Sugar Price
10.2.1 Price Index of Sugar Wholesale Markets in China
10.2.2 The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Producing Areas
10.2.3 The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Selling Areas
10.2.4 China’s Imported Sugar CIF
10.2.5 China’s Imported Raw Sugar CIF
10.2 International Sugar Price
10.3.1 Futures Prices of New York No. 11 Raw Sugar in Recent Months
10.3.2 Comparison of Domestic Sugar Price and Imported Sugar Price
10.3 Factors Affecting Sugar Price Trend in China
Chapter XI China’s Major Sugar Enterprise (Groups)
11.1 Guangxi Yangpu Nanhua Sugar Industry Group Co., Ltd.
11.1.1 Business Movement
11.1.2 Industrial Distribution
11.2 COFCO Tunhe Co., Ltd.
11.2.1 Business Movement
11.2.2 Industrial Distribution
11.3 Guangxi Yangpu Nanhua Sugar Industry Group
11.3.1 Business Movement
11.3.2 Industrial Distribution
11.4 Guangxi Nanning Dongya Sugar Industry Co., Ltd.
11.4.1 Business Movement
11.4.2 Industrial Distribution
11.5 Guangxi Dongtang Investment Co., Ltd.
11.5.1 Business Movement
11.5.2 Industrial Distribution
11.6 Guangxi State Farms Sugar Industrial Group Company Limited
11.6.1 Business Movement
11.6.2 Industrial Distribution
11.7 Nanning Sugar Industry Co., Ltd.
11.7.1 Business Movement
11.7.2 Industrial Distribution
11.8 Guangxi Guitang (Group) Co., Ltd.
11.8.1 Business Movement
11.8.2 Industrial Distribution
11.9 Guangdong Hengfu Sugar Industry Group Co., Ltd.
11.9.1 Business Movement
11.9.2 Industrial Distribution
List of Tables
Table, China’s Sugarcane Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Planting Area by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Per Unit Yield by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugarcane Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Major Sugarcane Planting Varieties of China
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Planting Area by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Beet Per Unit Yield by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season Table, China’s Sugar Beet Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Major Sugar Beet Planting Varieties of China
Table, Sugarcane Purchasing Price in Main Sugarcane Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Sugar Beet Purchasing Price in Main Sugar Beet Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Cane Sugar Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Beet Sugar Output by Province in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Quantity of China’s Sugar Mills by Province
Table, Sugar Materials Daily Grinding Capacity of All Provinces
Table, Sugar Production Cost
Table, Cane Sugar Output Ratio of Main Sugarcane Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Beet Sugar Output Ratio of Main Sugar Beet Producing Provinces in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Consumption in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, China’s Sugar Consumption Per Capita in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Table, Output of Carbonated Beverages in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Fruit Juice and Juice Beverages in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Dairy Products in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Canned Food in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Candies in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Frozen Food Staple in 2007-2016
Table, Output of Frozen Beverages in 2007-2016
Table, Sugar Consumption of China’s Food Industry in 2007-2016
Table, Sugar Consumption of Chinese Residents by Provinces in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Sugar Imports in 2007-2016
Table, China’s White Granulated Sugar Imports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Enterprise in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Raw Sugar Imports by Enterprise in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Sugar Imports by Port
Table, China’s Granulated Sugar Imports by Port
Table, China’s Sugar Exports and Trend in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Raw Sugar Exports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Granulated Sugar Exports by Country in 2007-2016
Table, China’ Starch Sugar Production and Consumption in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Top 20 Starch Sugar Enterprises by Production Capacity
Table, China’s Saccharin Output and Consumption in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Other Main Substitute Production in 2007-2016
Table, Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar in Nanning i2007-2016
Table, The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Selling Areas in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Imported White sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Table, China’s Imported Raw Sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Table, Futures Prices of New York No. 11 Raw Sugar in Recent Months in 2007-2016
Table, National Sugar Supply-Demand Balance
List of Figures
Figure, China’s Sugarcane Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugarcane Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Beet Planting Area in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Beet Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Output in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Consumption in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, China’s Sugar Consumption Per Capita in 2006/07-2016/17 Grinding Season
Figure, Proportion of China’s Industrial Sugar Consumption
Figure, China’s Sugar Imports in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s White Granulated Sugar Imports in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s White Granulated Sugar Import Proportions by Country
Figure, China’s Sugar Exports and Trend in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Granulated Sugar Exports in 2007-2016
Figure, China’ Starch Sugar Production and Consumption in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Saccharin Output and Domestic Selling Forecast in 2007-2016
Figure, Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar in Nanning in 2007-2016
Figure, The Wholesale Price of White Granulated Sugar of China’s Major Selling Areas in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Imported White sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Figure, China’s Imported Raw Sugar CIF by Month in 2007-2016
Figure, Futures Prices of New York No. 11 Raw Sugar in Recent Months in 2007-2016
Figure, Comparison of Domestic Sugar Price and Imported Sugar Price
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