The sales volume of 13 listed pig farming companies in domestic reached 8.347 million heads in the first quarter of 2020, down 42.14% year-on-year

By CnAgri 2020-05-19 13:34:22 Print Tel:861064402118-822 Email:

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ASF has lasted for near two years in China, leading to great reduction in pig stocks and slaughter. In order to get over from the shock of ASF, the government has been increasing support to pig production and enterprises were increasing investments. But from the basic situation of pig breeding of listed companies in the first quarter of 2020, it will take time to realize pig production capacity recovery.
According to BOACB’s statistics, the sales volume of 13 listed pig farming companies totaled 8.347 million heads in the first quarter, decreasing by 42.14% from the same period last year, contributing to about 6.35% of the national sales volume that was about 131 million hogs. The market share of these listed companies dropped by 1.3% from the same period in 2019.
Sales status of top 3 companies is as follows:
(1) Muyuan: It sold 2.5640 million hogs in the first quarter of 2020, decreasing by 16.67% from the same period last year, and its market share rose to 1.95% from 1.63% in the same period last year. The number of hogs slaughtered by Muyuan exceeded that of Wens Group for the first time.
(2) Wens Group: It sold 2.2526 million hogs in the first quarter of 2020, decreasing by 62.22% year-on-year, and its market share declined to 1.72% from 3.12% in the same period last year.
(3) Zhengbang Group: It sold 1.0483 million hogs in the first quarter of 2020, decreasing by 37.88% year-on-year, and its market share declined to 0.80% from 0.90% in the same period last year.
The COVID-19 outbreak impacted the rhythm of marketing hogs in February and March, leading to the differentiation of sales volume of listed companies in the first quarter. The total sales volume of 13 listed companies dropped obviously, and their market share also declined somewhat. Enterprises left more pigs as breeding pigs, which is the main factor for the reduction of total hog sales volume.
The shock of COVID-19 on pig farming industry is decreasing, listed companies have return to normal operation to advance their plans of marketing hogs and expanding production. As scale pig farming companies will recover their production capacity or speed up the release of pig production capacity after the second quarter, the market share of these 13 listed enterprises will see an obvious growth in their market shares. In addition, pig prices have been decreasing after the Spring Festival, production cost is still the major factor influencing the competition of scale farming companies.

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