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Report on the Analysis of Development of Forestry Industry and Wood Processing Industry in China

By CnAgri 2017-10-13 09:20:31 Print Tel:861064402118-822 Email: chen.wang@boabc.com

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Report on the Analysis of Development of Forestry Industry and Wood Processing Industry in China

Brief Introduction:

Considering demand, in recent years, forest industry in China maintained a fast momentum of development, domestic demand for wood and wood products increased rapidly, among them the consumption of artificial board, pulp and paper ranked second in the world. While the export volume of artificial board, pulp and paper increased year after year, China has been the world-class “wood processing base”. Facing with the emergency events, what will happen to China wood supply and demand situation? Facing with the reduction of domestic capacity and rising labor cost, how will Chinese wood industry develop? Facing with rising export tariff of Russia log, what will happen to China’s wood import source? What impacts will the relevant real estate policies published in recent years have on wood processing industry?

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Forestry Industry
1.1 General situation of forest resources
1.1.1 General situation and analysis of global forest resources
1.1.2 Basic conditions of forest resources in China
1.1.3 Main features of forest resources in China
1.1.4 Position of Chinese forest resources in the world
1.2 Analysis of development of China wood industry
1.2.1 Background of development of China wood industry
1.2.2 Remarkable achievements of China wood industry
1.2.3 Rapid development of private wood industry in China
1.3 Analysis of development of China wood industry
1.3.1 General development of wood industry in 2007
1.3.2 General development of wood industry in 2008
1.3.3 General development of wood industry in 2009
1.4 Existing problems of wood industry development in China
1.4.1 Main problems of forestry ecology in China
1.4.2 Analysis of existing problems of wood industry development in China
1.4.3 Main problems of development of forestry technology in China
1.5 General analysis of wood supply& demand and price trend in China
1.5.1 Analysis and forecast of wood supply in China
1.5.2 Analysis and forecast of main tree species supply in China
1.5.3 Analysis and forecast of wood consumption in China
1.5.4 Analysis and forecast of the consumption of main tree species in China
1.5.5 Forecast of wood price in China
Chapter 2 Wood Industry and Wood Processing Industry
2.1 General development of global wood industry
2.1.1 Analysis on change of global wood trade
2.1.2  Analysis on trend of global wood industry in 2010
2.1.3 Global wood market will grow slowly in coming years
2.1.4 Sufficient supply in global wood market in next tens of years
2.2 General situation of China wood industry
2.2.1 Main characteristics of development of China wood industry
2.2.2 Good development momentum of China wood industry
2.2.3 Influence of RMB appreciation to wood industry
2.2.4 Development of wood industry will facilitate sustainable development
2.3 Existing problems of China wood processing industry and solutions
2.3.1 Main existing problems of China wood processing industry
2.3.2 China wood industry should be rectified
2.3.3 Recycle of waste wood should be industrialized
2.3.4 Measures for improving competition strength of China wood industry
2.4 Analysis on wood demand for China wood processing industry
2.4.1 Analysis on prospect of wood processing industry
2.4.2 Analysis on domestic demand for wood processing products
2.4.3 Analysis on export of wood processing products
Chapter 3 Panel Board
3.1 General situation of development of panel board industry
3.1.1 Characteristics and category of panel board
3.1.2 Review of development of China panel board industry
3.2 Analysis on China panel board market
3.2.1 Characteristics of development of domestic panel board market
3.2.2 Analysis and forecast of panel board supply in China
3.2.3 Analysis and forecast of panel board consumption in China
3.2.4  Analysis on main materials of panel board in China
3.3   Plywood
3.3.1 General situation of development of China plywood industry
3.3.2 Analysis on plywood supply in China
3.3.3 Analysis on plywood consumption in China
3.3.4 Analysis on supply of main materials of plywood production
3.3.5Challenges facing China plywood industry
3.3.6Prospect of future plywood market
3.4 Fiber board
3.4.1General situation of development of China fiber board industry
3.4.2 Analysis and forecast of fiber board supply in China
3.4.3 Analysis and forecast of fiber board consumption in China
3.4.4 Analysis on supply of main materials of fiber board production
3.4.5Challenges facing China fiber board industry
3.4.6Development strategy for MDF/HDF enterprises
3.5 Flake board
3.5.1 Development level of China flake board industry
3.5.2 Analysis and forecast of flake board supply in China
3.5.3 Analysis and forecast of flake board consumption in China
3.5.4 Prospect of flake board market
3.6 Problems of development of panel board industry and solutions
3.6.1 Problems and thoughts on development of panel board industry
3.6.2 Suggestion for panel board industry to face with international competition
Chapter 4 Furniture
4.1 General situation of development of China furniture industry
4.1.1 Development history of China furniture industry
4.1.2 Current situation of China furniture industry
4.1.3 Characteristics of geographic distribution of China furniture industry
4.1.4 China gradually becomes global furniture manufacturing center
4.2 Analysis on supply and demand of wood furniture industry in China
4.2.1 Supply of wood furniture in China
4.2.2 Consumption of wood furniture in China
4.3 Problems and challenges facing China furniture industry
4.3.1 Problems in development of China furniture industry
4.3.2 China furniture industry endured dual stresses
4.3.3 Challenges facing China furniture industry
Chapter 5 Wood Flooring
5.1 General development of China wood flooring industry
5.1.1 Category of wood flooring
5.1.2 Review of development of China wood flooring industry
5.1.3 Basic situation of wood flooring production enterprises in China
5.1.4 Chinese wood flooring in international competition
5.2 Solid wood flooring
5.2.1 Analysis on development of China solid wood flooring market
5.2.2 Characteristics of solid wood flooring market
5.2.3 Existing problems in development of solid wood flooring industry
5.2.4  Analysis and forecast of supply & demand of solid wood flooring
5.3 Solid engineered flooring
5.3.1 General situation of development of solid engineered flooring
5.3.2 Characteristics of development of solid engineered flooring industry
5.3.3 Existing problems in the development of solid engineered flooring
5.3.4  Prospect of domestic market of solid engineered flooring in the future
5.4 Laminate flooring
5.4.1 General development of China laminate flooring industry
5.4.2  Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of laminate flooring
5.5 Analysis on problems in the development China wood flooring industry
5.5.1 Existing problems in China wood flooring industry
5.5.2 Development trend of China wood flooring industry
Chapter 6 Wood Pulp
6.1 General development of China wood pulp industry
6.1.1 Development history of China wood pulp industry
6.1.2 Review of the development of China wood pulp industry
6.1.3 Basic situation of wood pulp production enterprises in China
6.2  Analysis on supply and demand of China wood pulp industry
6.2.1  Analysis and forecast of wood pulp supply in China
6.2.2  Analysis and forecast of wood pulp consumption in China
6.3 Objectives of China wood pulp industry
Chapter 7 Analysis of Import and Export of Wood Industry
7.1 Analysis on import and export of China wood industry
7.1.1 General situation of wood import and export in China
7.1.2 Impact of increase of Russian export duty on the wood import of China
Chapter 8 Development of Local Wood Industry and Wood Processing Industry
8.1 Guangdong Province
8.1.1 Forest resources in Guangdong Province
8.1.2 General development of wood processing industry in Guangdong Province
8.1.3 Adverse factors and exports of furniture in Guangdong Province
8.2 Fujian Province
8.2.1 Forest resources in Fujian Province
8.2.2 General development of wood processing industry in Fujian Province
8.2.3  Impacts on furniture export in Fujian Province
8.3 Jiangsu Province
8.3.1 Forest resources in Jiangsu Province
8.3.2 General development of wood processing industry in Jiangsu Province
8.3.3 Problems existing in Jiangsu wood processing industry
8.4 Yunnan Province
8.4.1 Forest resources in Yunnan Province
8.4.4 General situation of wood processing and panel board industry in Yunnan Province
8.4.5 Background of wood trade increase in Yunnan Province
8.5 Heilongjiang Province
8.5.1 Forest resources in Heilongjiang Province
8.5.2 General development of wood processing industry in Heilongjiang Province
8.6 Inner Mongolia
8.5.1 Forest resources in Inner Mongolia
8.5.2 General development of wood processing industry in Inner Mongolia
8.5.3 Development trend of wood processing industry in Inner Mongolia
Chapter 9 Main Enterprises in Wood Processing Industry
9.1 Jilin Forest Industry Group
9.1.1 Brief Introduction
9.1.2 Operation status in recent five years
9.2 Yong’an Forestry Co.
9.2.1 Brief Introduction
9.2.2 Operation status in recent five years
9.3 Jinggu Forestry Co.
9.3.1 Brief Introduction
9.3.2 Operation status in recent five years
9.4 Maker
9.4.1 Brief Introduction
9.4.2 Operation status in recent five years
9.5 Yihua Timber
9.5.1 Brief Introduction
9.5.2 Operation status in recent five years
9.6 Chenming Paper Co.
Chapter Ten   Relevant policies and regulations of forest and wood processing industry, 2008-2011
National Forest Resources
Development by Cultivating Objectives
Development by varieties of trees
Development of fast-growing and high-yield plantation in regions
Production of wood products
Import data of log by origin
Import volume of forest products
Export volume of forest products
Appendix 1: Measures for the Administration of the Pilot Export of Sawn Timbers Processed from Imported Logs
Appendix 2: Regulations on Saving and Substitution of Chemical industry Wood
Appendix 3: Opinions on Accelerating Saving and Substitution of Wood

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