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Sugar Production in Central South of Brazil down 22% YoY

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2012-08-22 13:14:54China Agriculture Report Print

UNICA informed through its data 170 million tons canes had been crushed in the Central South till mid July, 9.32 million tons sugar had been produced, down 22% year on year. However the weather has improved since July, the production speed has been accelerated noticeably. The cane crushing volume hit 42.18 million tons in the first half of July, up 3.9% year on year, and also higher than the 31.7 million tons in the latter half of June.

According to insiders, the current cane yield is 80.2 tons, up 12% year on year. This is due to the sufficient rainfall, but the sugar content in canes has fallen. It is foreseen the cane crushing volume in the Central South in the campaign shall be more than the 500 million tons, forecasted in the beginning of April.

From "China Sugar Market Monthly Report"



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