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China Grain, Livestock Products and Aquatic Products Production in 2013

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2014-03-04 09:27:52China Agriculture Report Print

On Feb. 24th, the National Bureau of Statistics released China Economy and Social Development Statistics Bulletin in 2013, of which, data related to livestock and feed is as following:

Grain production totaled 601.94 million MT in 2013, increasing 12.36 million MT with a growth of 2.1%, of which, rice production for feed use registered 203.29 million MT, down 0.5%, wheat production for feed 121.72 million MT, up 0.6% and corn production for feed 217.73 million MT, up 5.9%.

Meat production totaled 85.36 million MT in 2013, up 1.8% on year-on-year basis, of which, pork, beef and mutton production was 54.93 million MT, 6.73 million MT and 6.73 million MT respectively, up 2.8%, 1.7% and 1.8% respectively on year-on-year basis. In the year-end of 2013, live hog inventory and slaughtered was 474.11 million heads and 715.57 million heads respectively, down 0.4% but up 2.5% respectively. Poultry egg production was 28.76 million MT, up 0.5%, milk production 35.31 million MT, down 5.7% and poultry meat production, 17.98 million MT, down 1.3%.

As for aquatic products, the production registered 61.72 million MT, up 4.5% from 2012. 45.47 million MT was from breeding and 16.25 million MT was from fishing, up 6.0% and 3.5% respectively.

BOABC’s Insight: according to  the data, bee production continued increasing and poultry meat production only saw slight decline, which are doubtful.

From “China Livestock and Feed Market Weekly Report”


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