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Government to Subsidize Poultry Industry

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2013-04-25 11:12:21China Agriculture Report Print In view of the poultry industry’s daily loss of RMB1 billion currently, the Ministry of Agriculture has recently instructed provincial governments to take measures to stabilize poultry production. The government of all levels should provide more subsidy to breeding hen and rooster farms and help provide loans to key poultry production and poultry-processing enterprises. Supervision over poultry trade contracts should be stepped up to protect farmers’ interests. Grassroots vets are required to provide epidemic prevention guidance to poultry farms. Efforts should be made to persuade consumers that qualified poultry products are safe.
In regions where bird flu is found, the government has taken some measures to protect the poultry industry.
Anhui has decided to subsidize grandparent generation poultry-breeding farms and parent generation poultry-breeding farms with RMB30 per unit and RMB10 per unit respectively from April 10 to July 10 this year. The government is to shoulder backbone poultry companies’ bank loan interests by 50%. Their loan deadlines will be postponed. Poultry companies’ income tax, VAT, quarantine fee, waste discharge feed, pollution treatment fee, etc. will be reduced or exempted. Poultry meatpacking factories will be provided a subsidy of RMB50/MT for poultry product procured and stored during April 10 ~ May 10.
Zhejiang is to provide a subsidy of RMB15/bird to major breeding hen and rooster farms, help provide working fund and exempt their income tax. Poultry meatpacking factories will be provided a subsidy of RMB2/bird if they stick to purchase contracts signed before April 1. Poultry-processing factories and cold houses will be exempt from income tax in April and May. Zhejiang government will also give a subsidy of RMB1/bird to medium and large broiler and meat duck farms and RMB2/bird to egg layer farms.
Jiangsu is to provide grandparent generation breeding hen and rooster farms a subsidy of RMB50 per unit, cut poultry quarantine fee and provide RMB25 million subsidy to broiler procurement and storage companies.

From “China Livestock and Feed Market Weekly Report”
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