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Rapid Growth of Cheese Consumption in the Future

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2016-07-04 11:41:59China Agriculture Report Print After 2005, with the rapid expansion of Chinas Western style catering industry, commercial
cheese production has emerged. But so far, domestic cheese production and consumption
are still at the initial stage, 90% of the market share still counts on import, mainly import from
New Zealand, Australia and USA. It is estimated that domestic cheese consumption has
increased from less than10,000 tons in 2001 to 94,000 tons in 2015, with a combined annual
growth rate of up to 28%.
It is expected that cheese consumption in China will still see rapid growth in the future.
First, the current cheese consumption level in China is still low, with per capita consumption
of less than 0.1kg, far less than that of US and also way behind Japan and Korea. At present,
the per capita cheese consumption is 2.26kg in Japan and 2.57kg in Korea.
Second, catering industry is still the main sales channel of cheese consumption in China,
accounting for over 60% of domestic cheese consumption. Increasing popularity of Western
food and drinks and the huge market potential for infants and childrens food serve as a pull
factor for the expansion of cheese business in China from market demand.
Third, the rise of the middle class in China has to a certain extent promoted the growth of
Chinas cheese market and promoted the introduction of cheese to dining tables among
consumer households.
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