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China's Yogurt Product Market Research Report

By CnAgri 2011-08-15 09:21:42 Print Tel:861064402118-822 Email: chen.wang@boabc.com

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China's Yogurt Product Market Research Report

Brief Introduction:

The report includes the general situation of world and Chinese yogurt industry, general situation of Chinese dairy market, products standard, marketing environment, packaging market, probiotics culture supply market, main ingredients supply market, yogurt production, profitability of yogurt industry, imports &exports, yogurt market capacity and growth trend, consumption status of yogurt market, competition pattern, future development trend of yogurt market, information of key yogurt manufacturers and BOABC’s management strategy and strategic suggestion for entering into Chinese yogurt market. The date cited in the report not only comes from related authorities but also from researchers’ interview and on the spot investigation which includes on-site visit and telephone interview.

Table of Contents:

Research Background

Main Conclusion

1. Survey of Yogurt Industry
1.1. Overview of yogurt
1.1.1. The definition of yogurt
1.1.2. The classification of yogurt and lactic acid bacteria
1.1.3. Nutritive value and health care function analysis of yogurt
1.1.4. Processing technic of yogurt and its classification
1.2. Global yogurt industry development survey
1.2.1. Global yogurt production and its distribution
1.2.2. The difference of yogurt consumption among countries
1.2.3. World yogurt trade and the market share of main countries
1.2.4. Price trend of major yogurt varieties
1.3. Development survey of yogurt industry in China
1.3.1. Evolution of yogurt industry
1.3.2. Life circle analysis of yogurt industry
2. General analysis of China’s dairy industry
2.1. Milk production
2.1.1. Dairy cattle inventory and its regional distribution
2.1.2. Milk output and its provincial distribution
2.1.3. Price trend of milk
2.2. Dairy processing
2.2.1. Composition of liquid milk and its output trend
2.2.2. Category of dry dairy product and its output trend
2.3. Dairy product trade
2.3.1. Imports and its variation trend
2.3.2. Exports and its variation trend
2.3.3. Melamine event’s impact on the imports and exports of dairy product in China
2.3.4. Relevant policy
2.4. Dairy product consumption
2.4.1. Dairy product consumption structure of inhabitants in towns and cities and its variation trend
2.4.2. Dairy product consumption status of rural residents
2.4.3. Forecast on dairy consumption of Chinese inhabitants
2.5. Policy environment of dairy industry
2.5.1. National safety standards for milk and dairy product
2.5.2. Dairy product processing project admittance threshold
2.5.3. Dairy product industry policy
2.5.4. National dairy industry development plan
2.5.5. Food addictive management
3. General analysis of Chinese yogurt market
3.1. Yogurt product standards in China
3.1.1. Codex Alimentarius standards related to yogurt
3.1.2. National standards related to yogurt in China
3.2. Analysis of yogurt marketing environment in China (channel and circulation channel)
3.3. Yogurt packaging market analysis in China
3.3.1. Packing material
3.3.2. Manner of packing
3.3.3. Major packaging suppliers in China yogurt market
3.4. Probiotics culture supply market analysis in China
3.4.1. Probiotics culture varieties
3.4.2. Major suppliers
3.4.3. Market share of major suppliers
3.5. Supply market of main ingredients in China
3.5.1. Main varieties of yogurt ingredient
3.5.2. Major suppliers of main yogurt ingredient
3.5.3. Market share of main yogurt ingredient supplier
3.6. Yogurt production analysis of China
3.6.1. Yogurt varieties structure variation
3.6.2. Increase trend of total yogurt production
3.6.3. Regional disparity of yogurt production
3.7. Yogurt imports&exports trade in China
3.7.1. Imports trade
3.7.2. Exports trade
3.8. China’s yogurt market capacity and increase trend
3.9. Consumption status of yogurt market in China
3.9.1. Consumption regional distribution
3.9.2. Consumer groups
3.9.3. Consumption patterns
3.9.4. Consumption amount
3.9.5. Yogurt price in final market
3.9.6. Consumption brand
3.10. Yogurt industry profitability analysis
3.11. Major factor than influence yogurt consumption
3.12. Yogurt market development trend in the future in China
4. Deep analysis of yogurt production and processing enterprises in China
4.1. Mengniu Dairy
4.1.1. Company background
4.1.2. Business performance
4.1.3. Products and outputs
4.1.4. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.1.5. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.1.6. Yogurt price (final retail price)
4.1.7. Analysis on Mengniu acquiring Junlebao
4.1.8. Yogurt market development prospect
4.2. Bright Dairy
4.2.1. Company background
4.2.2. Business performance
4.2.3. Products and outputs
4.2.4. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.2.5. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.2.6. Yogurt price (final retail price)
4.2.7. Yogurt market development prospect
4.3. Yili Group
4.3.1. Company background
4.3.2. Business performance
4.3.3. Products and outputs
4.3.4. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.3.5. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.3.6. Yogurt market development prospect
4.4. Junlebao Dairy
4.4.1. Company background
4.4.2. Business performance
4.4.3. Products and outputs
4.4.4. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.4.5. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.4.6. Yogurt market development prospect
4.5. Huishang Dairy
4.5.1. Company background
4.5.2. Business performance
4.5.3. Products and outputs
4.5.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.5.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.5.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.6. SanYuan Group
4.6.1. Company background
4.6.2. Business performance
4.6.3. Products and outputs
4.6.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.6.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.6.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.7. Jiabao Milk Co., Ltd.
4.7.1. Company background
4.7.2. Business performance
4.7.3. Products and outputs
4.7.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.7.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.7.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.8. Deyi Dairy
4.8.1. Company background
4.8.2. Business performance
4.8.3. Products and outputs
4.8.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.8.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.8.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.9. New Hope Dairy
4.9.1. Company background
4.9.2. Business performance
4.9.3. Products and outputs
4.9.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.9.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.9.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.10. Weigang Dairy
4.10.1. Company background
4.10.2. Business performance
4.10.3. Products and outputs
4.10.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.10.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.10.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.11. Wei Chuan Corp.
4.11.1. Company background
4.11.2. Business performance
4.11.3. Products and outputs
4.11.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.11.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.11.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.12. Danone
4.12.1. Company background
4.12.2. Business performance
4.12.3. Products and outputs
4.12.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.12.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.12.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
4.13. Yakult
4.13.1. Company background
4.13.2. Business performance
4.13.3. Products and outputs
4.13.4. The source of yogurt raw materials
4.13.5. The source of lactic acid bacteria culture
4.13.6. Distribution channel and marketing network
5. BOABC’s management strategy and strategic suggestions for entering Chinese yogurt market
5.1. Barriers and opportunity analysis for entering Chinese yogurt market
5.1.1. Enter barriers analysis
5.1.2. Opportunity analysis
5.2. Management strategy and strategic suggestions for entering and expanding Chinese yogurt market


Affix 1, List of Chinese yogurt production enterprises that certified again in 2012
Affix 2, List of major probiotics culture suppliers
Affix 3, List of major processing equipment suppliers
Affix 4, China’s yogurt supply and demand balance sheet, 2009-2012

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