Special Research Report on China's Seed Market in 2011

By CnAgri 2011-05-13 13:16:04 Print Tel:861064402118-822 Email: chen.wang@boabc.com

Price: RMB40000(English Version) RMB30000(Chinese Version)

Sample Report

Brief Introduction:

As a main element of crop planting costs, seed is in the upstream of farm produce industry. The competitive advantages of seed market will decide the initiative of agricultural competition. China is a large agricultural country; the quantity of seed used in ordinary year is above 12.5 billion kg and in 2010 the market capacity of hybrid corn, hybrid rice, wheat, cotton, vegetables and other seed was around RMB4.4 billion. The huge market makes China’s seed industry increasingly being a focus of attracting capital. Seed market competition in China is relatively decentralized. Lots of small scale enterprises, lower industry concentration, generous profits, huge market and technology and policy barriers allow the industry to be one of the notable sub-industries of agriculture. With the standardization of China’s seed market in recent years, mergers and acquisitions always happen. How are the current situation of Chinese seed market and the competition status of the market segment of each variety? How will the seed industry structure, market price and policy develop in 2011? BOABC organized seed market, technical and financial experts to make deep, accurate, objective, comprehensive and systematic analyses on sectors in the industry chain, including whole market, enterprises and policies. The report describes the current situation of China’s seed market and provides professional advices for the development direction of China’s seed market later. The seed market report mainly includes the market scales and deep analyses of hybrid corn seed, hybrid rice seed, wheat seed, cotton seed and rapeseed. Research contents include seed production, market demand, price variation, import and export, and forecast of China’s seed market development direction in the future. It is not only a rare special research report for domestic and oversea industry investors, strategic investors and large scale seed companies, who care China’s seed industry, but also one of crucial decision bases to learn the current development status of the industry and seize investment opportunities and growing trend for seed and related industry giants, investment banks, fund and bond organizations.

Table of Contents:

Part One   Current status of China’s seed market
One Development process of China’s seed arket
1. Overview of world seed market development
2. Overview of seed market development in China
3. Overview of seed coating development in China
Two China seed market development haracteristics
1. Major policy environment of China’s seed market
2. Major constraints of China’s seed market development
Three Seed market scale in China
Four  Seed market development forecast in China
Part Two   Analysis on China’s corn seed market
One  Demand analysis on China’s corn seed market
1. Corn acreage and yield variation in China
2. Analysis on China corn cultivation regions
3. Analysis on seed demand for corn cultivation
4. Analysis on the varieties of corn seed in China
5. Analyses on the demand and purpose of corn seed
Two  Analysis on corn seed supply in China
1. Yield of corn seed in China
2. Major corn seed production bases in China
3. Analysis on production model of corn seed in China
Three Import and export analysis on corn seed in China
Four  Analysis on main recommended varieties of corn seed in China
1.Analysis on recommended varieties of corn seed in China
2.Analyses on key corn seeds
 (1) Introduction of ZD 958
 (2) Introduction of ND 108
 (3) Introduction of XY335
 (4) Introduction of XD20
 (5) Introduction of LD981
Five  Price analysis on China’s corn seed
Part Three   Analysis on China’s rice seed market
One  Demand analysis on China’s paddy seed
1.Paddy acreage and yield variation in China
2.Analysis on China paddy cultivation regions
3.Analysis on seed demand for paddy cultivation
4.Analysis on the varieties of paddy seed
Two  Analysis on paddy seed supply in China
1.China’s corn seed Yield
2.Major paddy seed production bases in China
Three Import and export analysis on paddy seed in China
Four  Analysis on main recommended varieties of paddy seed in China
1.Analysis on recommended varieties of paddy seed in China
2.Introductions of key paddy seeds
 (1) Fengliangyou 1
 (2) Liangyoupei jiu
 (3) JY 207
 (4) JY402
 (5) JY463
 (6) IIY838
 (7) GY725
Five  Paddy seed price
Six   The influence of GM seed’s popularization on China’s seed industry
Part Four   Analysis on China’s wheat seed market
One  Demand analysis on China’s wheat seed market
1.Wheat acreage and yield variation in China
2.Analysis on wheat cultivation regions in China
3.Analysis on seed demand for corn cultivation
4.Analysis on the varieties of wheat seed in China
Two  Analysis on wheat seed supply in China
1.Wheat seed yield in China
2.Wheat seed production bases in China
Three Import and export analysis on corn seed in China
Four  Analysis on main recommended varieties of wheat seed in China
1. Analysis on recommended varieties of wheat seed in China
2. Introductions of key wheat seeds
 (1) Zhengmai 9023
 (2) Jimai 20
 (3) Yannong 19
 (4) Han 6172
Five  Price analysis on China’s wheat seed
Part Five   Analysis on China’s cotton seed market
One  Demand analysis on cotton seed in China
1.Cotton acreage and yield variation in China
2.Analysis on cotton cultivation regions in China
3.Analysis on seed demand for cotton cultivation
4.Analysis on the varieties of cotton seed
Two  Analysis on cotton seed supply in China
1.Cotton seed yield in China
2.Cotton seed production bases in China
Three Import and export analysis on cotton seed in China
Four  Analysis on main recommended varieties of cotton seed in China
1.Analysis on recommended varieties of cotton seed in China
2.Introductions of key cotton seeds
 (1) LMY28
 (2) LMY21
 (3) Xinluzao 33
 (4) Ezamian10
Five  Price analysis on China’s cotton seed
Part Six  Analysis on China’s rapeseed seed market
One  Demand analysis on China’s rapeseed seed market
1.Corn acreage and yield variation in China
2.Analysis on corn cultivation regions in China
3.Analysis on seed demand for corn cultivation
4.Demand analysis on rapeseed seed
Two  Supply analysis on rapeseed seed China
1.Rapeseed seed Yield in China
2.Rapeseed seed production bases in China
Three Import and export analysis on rapeseed seed in China
Four  Analysis on main recommended varieties of rapeseed seed in China
1.Analysis on recommended varieties of rapeseed seed in China
2.Introduction of key rapeseed seeds
 (1) Qinyou 7
 (2) Zhongshuang 9
 (3) Zhongyouza 2
 (4) Huayouza 6
Five  Price analysis on China’s rapeseed seed
Part Seven   Analyses on key seed enterprises
One  Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD
1.History and ownership structure
2.Structure of primary business
3.  Financial analysis
Profitability analysis
Analysis on operating capacity
Analysis on debt paying ability
Analysis on development capability
Two  Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd
1.History and ownership structure
2.Structure of primary business
3.  Financial analysis
Profitability analysis
Analysis on operating capacity
Analysis on debt paying ability
Analysis on development capability
Three Shandong Denghai Xianfeng Seed Co., Ltd
1. History and ownership structure
2. Structure of primary business
3. Financial analysis
Profitability analysis
Analysis on operating capacity
Analysis on debt paying ability
Analysis on development capability
World Top ten seed enterprises
China Top 50 seed enterprises
List of Graphs
Figure1-1 China’s seed market scale, 2008-2011
Table 1-1 development forecast of China’s seed industry in 2011
Table 1-2 total quantity and distribution of main food crops seed in China
Table 1-3 Quantities of used food crops seed by regions
Figure 2-1 corn acreage and yield variation in China (2004-2010) 
Figure 2-2 Distribution of corn cultivation regions in China (2008-2010) 
Figure 2-3 market scale and quantity of corn seed in China (2003-2010) 
Figure 2-4 Distribution of corn seed market in China
Figure 2-5 Seed production acreage of corn seed and yield variation in China
Figure 2-6 Yield distribution of China’s corn seed (20010) 
Figure 2-7 Import and export of corn seed in China (2006-2010) 
Figure 2-8 Distribution of corn seed import enterprises in China (20010) 
Table2-1 Acreages of main recommended corn seeds in China (2002-2010) 
Table 2-2 Acreages of main recommended corn seeds in China’s key regions (2010) 
Table 2-3 Main prices of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences ZD 958 corn seed (2008-2010) 
Table 2-4 Main prices of Doneed ZD 958 corn seed (2008-2010) 
Table 2-5 Main prices of ND108 corn seed (2008-2010) 
Table 2-6 Main prices of Denghai Xianfeng Xianyu335 corn seed (2010-11) 
Table 2-7 Main prices of Dunhuang Xianfeng Xianyu 335 corn seed (2011) 
Table 2-8 Main prices of corn seed in Xi’an, Shaanxi (2010) 
Table 2-9 Main prices of corn seed in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia (2010) 
Table 2-10 Main prices of corn seed in Gongzhuling, Jilin province (2010) 
Table 2-11 Main prices of corn seed in Luzhou, Sichuan Province (2010) 
Figure 3-1 Paddy acreage and yield variation in China (2004-2010) 
Figure 3-2 Proportion of hybrid rice acreage in convention acreage
Figure 3-3 Distribution of paddy seed cultivation regions in China
Figure3-4Distribution of paddy seed cultivation areas in provinces (2010) 
Figure3-5 Sale volume of China’s paddy seed and using quantity of hybrid rice   (2004-2010) 
Figure3-6 cultivated area proportion of japonica rice and indica rice in China (2010) 
Figure3-7 Cultivated area proportion of early paddy, medium paddy and late paddy (2010) 
Figure 3-8 seed production acreage and yield of China’s hybrid rice (2003-2010) 
Figure 3-9 Regional distribution of hybrid rice seed production bases  (2010) 
Figure 3-10 Exports of China’s paddy seed (2003-2010) 
Table 3-1Acreage of major recommended paddy seed (2010) 
Table 3-2Popularization acreage of Fengliangyou1 in major provinces (2004-2010) 
Table 3-3 Popularization acreage of Liangyoupeijiu in major provinces (2004-2010) 
Table3-4 Popularization acreage of Jinyou 207 in major provinces (2004-2010) 
Table 3-5 Popularization acreage of Jinyou 402 in major provinces (2004-2010) 
Table 3-6 Popularization acreage of Jinyou 463 in major provinces (2004-2010) 
Table 3-7 Popularization acreage of IIyou 838 in major provinces (2004-2010) 
Table 3-8 Popularization acreage of Gangyou 725 in major provinces (2004-2010) 
Table 3-9 Prices of China’s paddy seed 2003-2011
Figure 4-1 Acreage and yield variation of wheat in China (2004-2010) 
Figure 4-2 Distribution of Wheat cultivation regions in major producing areas in China
Table 4-1 Routine index of strong wheat in northern NC, 2008-2010
Table 4-2 Rheology characteristic index of strong wheat in northern NC, 2008-2010
Table 4-3 Backing grade of strong wheat in northern NC, 2008-2010
Table 4-4 Routine index of strong wheat in northern Huanghuai, China, 2008-2010
Table 4-5 Rheology characteristic index of strong wheat in northern Huanghuai, China, 2008-2010
Table 4-6 Backing grade of strong wheat in northern Huanghuai, China,, 2008-2010
Table 4-7 Routine index of strong wheat in Northeast and Northwest, 2008-2010
Table 4-8 Rheology characteristic index of strong wheat in Northeast and Northwest, 2008-2010
Table 4-9 Routine index of plain wheat in northern Huanghuai, China, 2008-2010
Table 4-10 Rheology characteristic index of plain wheat in northern Huanghuai, China, 2008-2010
Table 4-11 Routine index of plain and weak wheat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, 2008-2010
Table 4-12 Rheology characteristic index of plain and weak wheat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, 2008-2010
Table 4-13 Routine index in Southwest wheat producing regions, 2008-2010
Table 4-14 Rheology characteristic index in Sichuan basin and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, 2008-2010
Figure 4-2 Sale volume of wheat seed and using quantity of commercial seed (2006-2010) 
Figure 4-3 Consumption structure of wheat in China (2009-2011) 
Figure4-4Wheat seed production acreage and yield variation (2008-2010) 
Table 4-15 Popularization acreage of major wheat in China (2008-2010) 
Figure4-5 Purchasing price trend of wheat in China (2004-2011) 
Table 4-16 Wheat seed prices in China  (2008-2010) 
Figure 5-1 Cotton acreage and yield variation in China  (2004-2009) 
Figure 5-2 Distribution of cotton seed cultivation regions in China (2008) 
Figure 5-3 Sale volume of cotton seed and using quantity of commercial seed (2010-11) 
Figure5-4 Cotton seed production acreage and yield variation (1999-2010) 
Table 5-1 Popularization acreage of major cottons in China (2008-2010) 
Figure 5-5Purchasing price trend of cotton in China (2004-2010) 
Table 5-2 Cotton seed prices in China  (2008-2010) 
Figure 6-1 Rapeseed acreage and yield variation in China  (2008-2010) 
Table6-1 Distribution of priority rape developing regions in Yangtze valley, China
Figure 6-2 Distribution of rapeseed cultivation regions in China (2008-2011) 
Figure 6-3 Sale volume of rapeseed seed and using quantity of commercial seed (2004-2010) 
Figure6-4 Rapeseed seed production acreage and yield variation (2004-2010) 
Table6-2 Popularization acreage of major rapeseeds in China (2008-2010) 
Figure 6-5Purchasing price trend of rapeseeds in China (2004-2010) 
Table6-3Rapeseed seed prices in China  (2006-2010) 
Table 7-1 Ownership structure of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. (June, 2010) 
Figure 7-1 Actual controller
Table 7-2 Income structure of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. by products  (2008-2010) 
Table 7-3 Personnel structure of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. 2008 (by majors) 
Table 7-4 Profitability of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Figure 7-2 Gross profits of major products of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-5 Profitability index of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-6Capital management ability index of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-7 Debt paying ability index of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-8 Growth index of Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-9 Ownership structure of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. (June, 2010) 
Figure 7-3 Substantial Shareholder of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd.
Table 7-10 Income structure of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. by products  (2008-2010) 
Table 7-11 Income structure of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. by regions  (2008-2010) 
Table 7-12 Profitability index of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-13 Capital management ability index of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-14 Debt paying ability index of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-15 Growth index of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-16 Ownership structure of ShanDong DengHai Seeds CO., LTD. (June, 2010) 
Figure 7-4 Substantial Shareholder of ShanDong DengHai Seeds CO., LTD.
Table 7-17 Income structure of ShanDong DengHai Seeds CO., LTD. by products or sectors (2008-2010) 
Table 7-18 Profitability index of Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-19 Capital management ability index of ShanDong DengHai Seeds CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-20 Debt paying ability index of ShanDong DengHai Seeds CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
Table 7-21 Growth index of ShanDong DengHai Seeds CO., LTD. (2008-2010) 
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