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Wahaha Tea Drinks Exported to Russia for First Time

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2013-07-09 11:17:46China Agriculture Report Print Not long ago, more than 28,000 boxes of tea drinks were exported after passing Huichun Test and Quarantine Bureau’s test.
The products are sold in Vladivostok, Russia. Wahaha plays a leading role in exporting tea drinks to Russia.
The staff of Huichun Test and Quarantine Bureau carried out a sampling test on the products timely in order to let the batch of tea drinks go out of the boarder smoothly and in time. There were strict tests on more than ten hygiene and quality indices, for example heavy metal, tea polyphenols and microorganisms. Test results indicate the tea drinks are all up to the standard requirement in various indices, hence the bureau signed the approval for export.
Soft drinks have strict technical requirement and the shelf life is short but the transportation cost is high, hence domestic made products are not competitive at foreign market. This large amount of export is a good start.
Wahaha products have a good reputation in China, whereas the export of tea drinks is an important measure for the company’s exploring of the foreign market. Russia has no bottled tea drinks, so Wahaha products will win popularity among Russians that prefer instant soft drinks and tea.

From “China Soft Drink Market Monthly Report

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