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Pesticide export price went downwards

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2014-02-12 10:06:28China Agriculture Report Print

In November, Chinese crude pesticide import was 4,262 tons, down 23% over last year and up 58% over last month. In the first 11 months, total pesticide import hit 54,854 tons, up 9%, including insecticide 9,609 tons, fungicide 24,565 tons and herbicide 20,679 tons.

In November, Chinese crude pesticide export hit 68,346 tons, up 2.5% over last year and up 4.8% over last month, including insecticide 13,462 tons, up 15.2%, fungicide 5,461 tons, up 0.8% and herbicide 49,423 tons, down 0.3%. In the first 11 months of 2013, pesticide export was 923,000 tons, up 33%, including insecticide 161,071 tons, fungicide 65,723 tons and herbicide 696,359 tons.

In November, the FOB price of wholesaled insecticide, fungicide and herbicide was 4,803 dollars, 4,708 dollars and 3,422 dollars, up -2.38%, -2.29% and 1.58% respectively.

From “China Pesticide Market Monthly Report

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