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Research Report on Market of Formula Milk Powder for Infants in China

By CnAgri 2016-04-29 11:13:40 Print Tel:861064402118-822 Email: chen.wang@boabc.com

Price: RMB 40000(English Version) RMB 30000(Chinese Version)

Research Report on Market of Formula Milk Powder for Infants in China

Brief Introduction:

At present, the entire market size of China's infant formula milk powder is almost RMBY 60 billion, there are a hundred of production and processing enterprises with business license issued by the state, the whole market is obviously divided into high end and mid & low end, brand concentration is higher in the markets with different grades. With the increasing monitoring efforts of Chinese government on the whole dairy processing industry including infant formula milk powder companies, the brand concentration of infant formula milk powder market is expected to continue to increase.

Table of Contents:

Main Conclusions
1. Analysis of China’s Dairy Product Processing
1.1 Classification of Dairy Products in China
1.2 Production of Milk Powder
1.2.1 WMP
1.2.2 SMP
1.2.3 Modified Milk Powder
1.2.4 Infant Formula Milk Powder
1.3 Production Regional Distribution of Infant Formula Milk Powder
1.4 Management Policies of Production and Sales of Infant Formula Milk Powder in China
1.5 Prediction on Production Capacity of China’s Dairy Processing Industry in Future 5 Years
2 Analysis of China’s Infant Milk Powder Import
2. 1 Overview of Dairy-based Raw Materials Import
2.1.2 SMP
2.1.3 WMP
2.1.4 Whey Powder and Demineralized Whey Powder
2.1.5 Lactalbumin and Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)
2.1.6 Lactose
2.1.7 Milk Fats
2.2 Original Infant Formula Milk Powder for Retail
2.2.1 Import Volume & Import Price (CIF)
2.2.2 Origins of Infant Formula Milk Powder Import
Infant formulae import channels away from the law and regulations in China
2.2.3 Imports of Other Formula Food for Infants & Young Children
3. Overview of China’s Market of Infant/young Child’s Formula Milk Powder
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Analysis of Market Consumption Characteristics of Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.1.2 Production and Layout of Infant/young Child’s Milk Powder
3.1.3 Market Capacity and Distribution of Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.1.4 Growth Rate of Infant Formula Milk Powder Market
3.2  Marketing Analysis of China’s Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.2.1 Marketing Channel of Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.2.2 Promotion Model of Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.2.3 Comparative Analysis of Different Marketing Model Procedures
3.3  Market Price Analysis of China’s Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.3.1 Overview
3.3.2 Infant Milk Power Price Comparative Analysis of Domestic and International Brands
3.4  Analysis of Different Infant Formula Milk Powder Markets in China
3.4.1 I Phase I Infant Formula Milk Powder (for 0-6-month-old infants)
3.4.2 Phase II Infant Formula Milk Powder (For 7-12 months)
3.4.3 Phase III Infant Formula Milk Powder (for 1-3 years-old children)
3.4.4 Phase IV Formula Milk Powder (for 4-6 years-old children)
3. 4.5 Pregnant Women and Lactating Women Formula Milk Powder Market
Market Characteristics
Market Size
3.4.6 Infant Formula Rice Cereal
3.4.6 Analysis of Selling Points of China’s Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.4.7 Analysis of Packaging of China’s Infant Formula Milk Powder Products
3.5 Consumption Demand Potential Analysis of Infant Formula Milk Powder Market in China
3.5.1 Analysis of Consumption Demand Status of Infant Formula Milk Powder
3.5.2 Analysis of Infant Formula Milk Powder Consumption Demand Trend in Future 3-5 Years
4.  Analysis on Main Players (TOP10) of Infant Formula Milk Powder of China
4.1  Chinese Infant Formula Milk Powder Producing Enterprises and Regional Distribution
4.2 Market Shares of Infant Formula Milk Powder Brands and the Change Features
4.3  Analysis on Top 10 Players
4.3.1 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd
4.3.2 Zhejiang Beingmate Technology Industry & Trade Co., Ltd
4.3.3 Dumex Baby Food Co. Ltd
4.3.4 Mead Johnson Nutrition (China) Co. Ltd
4.3.5 Wyeth Nutritional (China) Co., Ltd
4.3.6 Biostime Inc. (Guangzhou)
4.3.7 Synutra Nutritional Co., Ltd
4.3.8 Abbott (China) Co., Ltd
4.3.9 Ausnutria Dairy (China) Co., Ltd
4.3.10 Nestle (China) Co., Ltd
5. Development Trend of Chinese Infant Formula Milk Powder Market
5. 1 Technical Level of Products
5. 2 Pricing
5. 3 Market Brand Concentration
5. 4 Market Structure
5. 5 Enterprise Competition
5. 6 Marketing Mode
6. Analysis on Threats & Opportunities of Chinese Infant Formula Milk Powder Industry
6. 1 Analysis on Substitution of Chinese Breast-milk to Infant Formula Milk Powder
6.1.1 Breast-milk Value Analysis
6.1.2 Analysis on Reasons for More and More Choices for Infant Formula Milk Powder
6.2 Analysis of Opportunities for Chinese Infant Formula Powder Industry
Annex I: Balance Sheet of Supply and Demand of Raw Milk in China, 2011-2015
Annex II: List of General Situation of Infant Milk Powder Manufacturers with Annual Output of above 5000 tons, 2014
Annex III: List of General Situation of Top 10 Infant Milk Powder Manufacturers, 2014
Annex IV: List of Enterprises Regaining Infant Formula Milk Powder Production License, as of October 31, 2015
Annex V: List of Leading Importers of Infant Forumla Food(HS1901.1000)(with a volume of above 1000 tons), 2015
Figure 1.1 Structure of Dairy Products in China, by Output,2014
Figure 1.2 Structure of Dairy Products in China, by Output,2014
Figure 1.3 Milk Powder Production of China, 2010-2014
Figure 1.4 WMP Production of China, 2005-2014
Figure 1.4 SMP Production of China, 2005-2014
Figure 2.1 China SMP Import Volume & Price, by Month, 2010-2015
Figure 2.2 China Import Origins of SMP, by Volume, 2015
Figure 2.3 China WMP Import Volume & Price, by Month, 2010-2015
Figure 2.5 Import Volume & Price of Whey Products of China, by Month, 2010-2015
Figure 2.6 China’s Import Structure of Whey and Modified Whey Products, 2015
Figure 2.7 China Lactalbumin & WPC Import Volume & Price, 2010-2015
Figure 2.8 China Products Structure of Lactalbumin & WPC, 2015
Figure 2.9 China Import Origins of Lactalbumin & WPC, 2015
Figure 2.10 China Lactose Import Volume & Price, 2010-2015
Figure 2.11 China Import Origins of Lactose, 2015
Figure 2.12 China Milk Fats Import Volume & Price, by Month, 2010-2015
Figure 2.13 China Import Origins of Milk Fats, 2015
Figure 2.14 Imports of Original Infant Formula Milk Powder for Retail in China, by Month, 2000-2015
Figure 2.15 China Import Origins of Infant Formula Milk Powder for Retail, 2015
Figure 3.1 China Infant Formula Milk Powder Output, 2005-2014
Figure 3.2 China Production Layout of Infant Formula Milk Powder, 2014
Figure 3.3 Regional Distribution of Urban Infant Population and Infant Milk Powder Market Capacity (By Consumption Volume) in China’s Different Provinces and Regions, 2014
Figure 3.4 Flow of Infant Formula Milk Powder Promotion Model
Figure 3.5 Comparison of Infant Milk Power Price of Domestic and International Brands, 2010-2014
Figure 3.7 Factors influencing the consumers’ purchase of infant formula milk powder
Figure 3.8 Judge Standards of Consumers on Quality of Infant Formula Milk Powder after "the Melamine Scandal"
Figure 3.9 Demand Changes on Infant Formula Milk Powder Before and After the Melamine Scandal
Figure 5-1 Market Share of Famous Infant/young Child’s Formula Milk Powder Brands, by Sales Value,2010-2012
Figure 4.2 Market Share Change of Beingmate Infant Milk Powder, by Sales Value, 2010-2014
Figure 4.28 Market Share Change of Synutra Infant Milk Powder, by Sales Value, 2010-2014
Table 6.1 Feeding of infants in different months
Table 6.2 Percentage of Interviewees Heard of the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes( short for “Code”) or the Administrative Methods on Sales of Breast Milk Substitutes (short for “Methods”)
Table 1.1 Balance Sheet of Supply and Demand of WMP in China, 2010-2015
Table 1.2 Balance Sheet of Supply and Demand of SMP in China, 2010-2015
Table 1-2 Sensory Requirements
Table 1-3 Indexes for Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate
Table 1-4 Vitamin Index
Table 1-5 Mineral Index
Table 1-6 Optional Components Index
Table 1-7 Other Indexes
Table 1-8 Contaminant Limit (calculated based on powdery products)
Table 1-9 Mycotoxin Limit (based on powdery products)
Table 1-10 Microbial Limit
Table 1-11 Urease Activity Index
Table 1-12 Sensory Requirements
Table 1-13 Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate Indexes
Table1-14 Vitamin Index
Table 1-15 Mineral Index
Table 1-16 Optional Components
Table 1-17 Other Indexes
Table 1-19 Mycotoxin Limit (based on powdery products)
Table 1-20 Microbial Limit
Table 1-21 Urease Activity Index
Table 1-22 Sensory Requirements
Table 1-23 Basic Nutrition Index
Table 1-24 Optional Nutrition Constituent Indexes
Table 1-25 Limit for Carbohydrate Addition
Table 1-26 Other Indexes
Table 1-27 Contaminant Limit
Table 1-28 Mycotoxin Limit
Table 1-29 Microbial Limit
Table 1-30 Urease Activity Index
Table 1-31 Comparison between Output of China's Major Dairy Products and Their Capacity Utilization, 2014
Table 2.1 China’s Milk-based Raw Material Import, by Volume, 2010-2015
Table 2.2 China Import Origins of Whey Products, 2010-2015
Table 2.3 Import Prices (CIF) of Infant Formula Milk Powder from Different Origins, by Month, 2010-2015
Table 2.4 List of “Restriction Policy” of Foreign Infant Formula
Table 2.5, Price Difference of Foreign Milk Powder between China and Foreign Countries
Table 2.6 Main World-famous Original Infant Formula in China’s Mainland Market Now
Table 3.1 Urban Market Capacity of Infant Milk Powder in China’s Different Provinces and Regions, 2014
Table 3.2 Market Capacity of Babies 0-3 Years in Cities of Line I, Line II and Line III, 2014
Table 3.3 Comparison of Infant Formula Milk Powder Marketing Channel Composition of Some Famous Brand Enterprises, 2014
Table 3.4 Retail Terminal Market (online) Price Comparison of Domestic and Intl’ Brands of Infant Formula Milk Powder Phase I, First half of 2015
Table 3.5 Retail Terminal Market (online) Price Comparison of Domestic and Intl’ Brands of Infant Formula Milk Powder Phase II, First half of 2015
Table 3.6 Retail Terminal Market (online) Price Comparison of Domestic and Intl’ Brands of Infant Formula Milk Powder Phase III, First half of 2015
Table 3.7 Retail Terminal Market Price online Comparison of Well-known Domestic and Intl’ Brands of Infant Formula Rice Cereal Phase I, II and III, First half of 2015
Table 3.8 Infant Formula Milk Powder Consumption Level Per Capita of China’s Urban and Rural Babies, 2005-2014
Table 4.1 Infant Formula Milk Powder Enterprises in the “Blacklist” of the Melamine Scandal in 2008
Table 4.2 Regional Distribution of Enterprises Regaining Infant Formula Milk Powder Production License, as of October 31, 2015
Table 4.3 Registration Reference on Yili Group
Table 4.4 Top 10 Leading Shareholders & Stock Distribution of Yili Group
Table 4.5 Total Profit of Yili, 1st Three Quarters of 2015
Table 4.6 Raw Milk Procurement Scale and Prices of Synutra Dairy, 2010-2014
Table 4.7 Main Product Series of Yili Group
Table 4.8 Output of Main Products of Yili Group, 2010-2014
Table 4.9 Registration Reference on Beingmate
Table 4.10 Total Number of Shareholders and Shareholdings of Top 10 Circulation Shareholders of Beingmate, by 2015
Table 4.11 Financial Situation of Beingmate, 2010-2015
Table 4.12 Production, Sales & Stocks of Main Products of Beingmate, 2014-2015
Table 4.13 Beingmate Infant/young Child Formula Milk Powder Related Production
Table 4.14 Registration materials of Dumex Baby Food Co. Ltd
Table 4.16 Product Output List of Dumex Baby Food Co. Ltd, 2010-2014
Tabel 4.17 Promotion of Technology and Products of Dumex in China
Table 4.18 Main Product Output of Mead Johnson,2010-2014
Table 4.19 Registration materials of Qingdao Shengyuan Dairy Co., Ltd
Table 4.20 Shareholders of Synutra Dairy Possessing more than Shares of 5%, 2015
Table 4.21 Financial Statement of Synutra Int’l, 2014-2015
Table 4.22 Financial Statement of Synutra Int’l, 2010-2015
Table 4.23 Raw Milk Procurement Scale and Prices of Synutra Dairy, 2010-2014
Table 4.24 Main Product List of Synutra Dairy
Table 4.25 Output of Main Products of Syrutra Dairy, 2010-2014
Table 4.26 Related Infant Formula Milk Powder Production Equipment List of Syrutra Dairy
Tabel 4.27 Process of Technology R&D and Popularization and Application of Synutra, 2001-2015
Table 4.29 Retail Price of Infant Formula Milk Powder Brands of Abbott in the first half of 2013
Tabel 2.30 Main Shareholders of Ausnutria Dairy (China), by the end of 2010
Table 4.31 Financial Situation of Ausnutria Dairy, 2010-2014
Table 4.30 Main Product List of Ausnutria Dairy
Table 4.31 Main Product Output List of Ausnutria Dairy, 2010-2014
Table 4.32 Output of Main Products of Nestle (China), 2010-2014
Table 6.3  Percentage of Interviewees Understanding of the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes( short for “Code”) or the Administrative Methods on Sales of Breast Milk Substitutes (short for “Methods”)
Table 6.4 Use of Breast-milk Substitutes of infants in parturition and in hospital
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