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Guarantee Measures to Control Sugar Import Quantity

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2017-06-05 10:46:27China Agriculture Report Print

According to the circular, the customs tariff over import outside the quota shall be 95%, 90% and 85% in the following three years. Although the rates are much lower than the application for 155.9%, yet based on the 95% tariff rate during the first year, the cost after processing raw sugar from Brazil after tax shall be 6710 yuan/ton, similar as the current spot price in Nanning, hence there shall be no profit from processing imported raw material.

From the perspective of conditions on origins, the limit on quantity is strict with Brazil, Thailand and Guatemala. At the same time there is emphasis on the supply of certificate on production venue, which could effectively interdict entrepot trade and tax evasion. So there shall be control of sugar import from the source.


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