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Weather Forecast(September 6-12, 2018)

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2018-09-12 14:11:50China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Grains Oilseeds
In the coming week, the average daily rainfall will be 1.0-3.0 mm in the eastern part of the Northwest and the Northeast, reaching 5.0~10.0mm in most of the Southwest, the southeast of the south of the Yangtze River, and South China. The amount of rainfall in above mentioned regions will be 20%-40% more compared with the precipitation in the same period in normal years, and in some local areas it will be more than double of that in normal years. In rest of the country, there will be less rainfall. As for temperature, the cold air influencing our country is moving actively, and the average temperature in the most of the North will be 1~2℃ than that of the same period in normal years. In most of the south, the average temperature will be close to or slightly higher than that of the same period in normal years. Lower temperature will have adverse impact on the formation of the output of grain crops in the North. 
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