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Corn Prices Averaged RMB 1,607/MT, Stable

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2017-03-23 13:49:31China Agriculture Report Print Domestic corn market prices stabilized. In the northeast, owing to a limited grain surplus, corn prices still ascended; in the Huang-Huai Region of north China, because of the progress of grain selling slower than that of last year, and an increase in temperature, farm households were more willing to sell; in the sales areas, along with corn arrival increasing, the prices decreased.

Corn prices averaged RMB 1,607/MT, RMB 1/MT lower from last week. The corn price in the northeast was RMB 1,407/MT, in North China and the Yellow River and Huai River areas, the price reached RMB 1,670/MT, and the price in the consuming regions averaged at RMB 1,731/MT, up RMB 4/MT, down RMB 7/MT and down RMB 4/MT from last week.

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