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Nepal first produces bio-pesticide

China Agriculture Report By CnAgriChina Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Nepal first produces
Test production of bio-pesticides has been started in a laboratory at Kushadevi of Kavre district, Nepal.

Crops Conservation Officer at Agricultural Development Office, Kavre, Madhu Sudan Paudel said production of bio-pesticide called Nematode has been started in the first phase to control the white grubs in the crops.

Paudel said six different bio-pesticides would be produced in the offing.

He also said that the bio-pesticide was used in Kushadevi for experiment and the positive results were achieved.

Paudel added that anti-yeast bio-pesticides also would be produced by mid-October.

The laboratory was operated by National Integrated Pest Management Programme under the National Crops Conservation Directorate has received support from local Sayaptri IPM Resource Center and Kushadevi VDC.

The bio-pesticides produced for the first time in the country are expected to work as an alternative to chemical pesticides.

Earlier, farmers' groups in Kavre district were flayed for using maximum chemical pesticides in vegetable farming.

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