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Vast Market for Sulfur Fertilizer

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2013-04-27 11:16:58China Agriculture Report Print It is learned from the recently held international sulfur fertilizer forum that sulfur fertilizer promises a vast prospect in China in the future.
According to the Chinese Soil Association, 30% of farmland were short of sulfur in China in 1985 but 60% of farmland were short of sulfur after 2005, especially in northern provinces.
Sulfur fertilizer consumption decreased 4.7% each year from 2006 to 2012. But in view of consumers’ growing demand for crop quality, sulfur fertilizer consumption is predicted to pick up to 4.3 million MT by 2015, suggesting an annual growth rate of 5.3% between 2012 and 2015.
It is anticipated that potassium sulfate and potassium-magnesium sulfate may be fertilizer plants’ major growth point in Xinjiang and Qinghai in the future. Sulfur-coated urea and sulfur-coated NPK production is expected to go up. Ammonium thiosulfate is likely to be accepted by the market as a liquid fertilizer.

From “China Fertilizer Market Weekly Report
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