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Production and Marketing of China’s Dairy Industry in 2013

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2014-03-21 11:32:32China Agriculture Report Print Data from the National Bureau of Statistics indicates the scaled dairy processing companies (658such companies) generated 283.16 billion yuan sales revenue by the end of December, 2013, up by 14.16% year on year, the total profit was 18.011 billion yuan, up by 12.70% year on year, and the gross profit rate was 21.87%, down by 1.8% year on year. The rapid upsurge of cost was the main cause for the slip of gross profit margin, the slowing down of the growth of the expenditure led to faster growth of the total profit than the growth of the gross profit. By the end of December, the total value of inventory of the industry was 6.38 billion yuan, down by 7.27% year on year, which is equivalent to 610,000 tons products, only accounting for 2.3% of the total output of dairy products.

From “China Dairy Market Monthly Report

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