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Yellow fat meat caused by aged corn leads to a loss of more than hundred million yuan

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2017-08-09 09:25:34China Agriculture Report Print Due to the state’s long-term temporary reserve policy for corn, China’s corn reserve is large in recent years and passes 200 million tons. In 2016, China Grain Reserves Corporation sold a large quantity of aged corn by auction. As the price was low, quite a few feed enterprises purchased this corn which led to regional yellow fat meat in 2016 and the first half of 2017 and caused great economic loss to breeding industry.
According to the slaughter test data, the dressing percentage of pigs with yellow fat is 75~77%, while the dressing percentage of normal hogs is about 80%. Calculated on current average weight (105kg) of hog for slaughtering, the weight of pork from pig with yellow fat is 3.2-5.3kg/head less than that from normal hog. 1 million tons aged corn can produce about 1.66 million tons feed for fattening pigs. Calculated on current feed conversion ratio of 2.8, about 570,000 tons pork can be produced. According to the dressing percentage of pigs with yellow fat (77%), 440,000 tons pork can be produced, which is about 17,000 tons less than the production of pork from normal hogs.
If 1 million tons corn is used as pig feed, farmers will suffer a loss of about 238 million yuan according to current hog price of 14yuan/kg and slaughterhouses will roughly suffer a loss of 323 million yuan calculated on 19yuan/kg for carcass meat.
The most important is that yellow fat meat is hard to sell on the market and can only enter food deep processing industry as raw material although it hardly influence food safety.
In order to guarantee food security, our country reserves a certain quantity of corn annually, so the use of aged corn in feed will exit for a long term. But, for breeding industry, how to correctly use aged corn in feed and reduce economic loss caused by yellow fat pigs is worth exploring

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