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Summer consumption will enter the off-season and the price of eggs will continue to be low

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2018-06-27 14:29:10China Agriculture Report Print Since June, the price of eggs has basically remained at around 6.5 yuan/kg, and the factory price of eggs in the main producing areas was 6.74 yuan/kg this week, down by 5.06% from the same period of last month. The reasons for the sluggish price of eggs are as follows:
(1) In terms of consumption, summer is the traditional off-season of egg consumption, and the overall consumption this summer is more depressed than in previous years.
(2) On the supply side, due to production reduction caused by high temperature and the increase in the number of layers eliminated in summer, eggs supply will decline to some extent, but the number of new laying hens is increasing. In addition, the frequent occurrences of hatching eggs in summer impacts the market. Overall, the supply of eggs will continue to grow slowly this summer.
Due to the lack of holiday stimulus, the demand for eggs will further shrink before Mid-Autumn Festival. It is expected that the prices of eggs will continue to keep low in July, and may gradually rebound after the start of preparing goods for the Mid-Autumn Festival in August. 

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