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Weak Meal Trend Under H7N9 Bird Flu

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2013-04-11 11:03:23China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Weak Meal Trend
Soymeal:On April 10th, 2013, the average wholesale price of soymeal is RMB3948Yuan/MT, down 5.07% compared with last week. Domestic soymeal spot price declined with decrease of futures price though soybean supply in oil plants was still tight. Price for 43% protein soymeal shall decline to RMB3700/MT later in coastal areas. Adjustment appeared in disks in recent two days, which played supports to soymeal market in short terms. (Table 4)

Cottonseed mealOn April 10th, 2013, the average wholesale price of cottonseed meal is RMB2,795Yuan/MT, down 0.49% compared with last week. H7N9 flu influenced consumption of protein feed materials and the situation shall worsen later with slack poultry market. What’ more, with arrival of south African soybeans and listing of new rapeseed meal, domestic cottonseed meal market is stressed. It is predicted domestic cottonseed meal market shall turn weak. (Table 5)

Rapeseed mealOn April 10th, 2013, the average wholesale price of rapeseed meal is RMB2,853Yuan/MT, down 0.24% compared with last week. According to research to major rapeseed production areas, rapeseed yield shall increase year-on-year this year. With listing of new rapeseed, price decline of domestic soymeal and influences of H7N9, it is predicted rapeseed meal price shall continue decreasing later. (Table 6)

From “China Livestock and Feed Market Weekly Report”
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