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Pesticide Material Price in March

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2013-04-11 11:19:29China Agriculture Report Print With the increasing demand of pesticide and other industrial demand, most chemical materials saw a rebound, although the extent varied. However, few materials like pure benzene and toluene continued to decline affected by weak international market.
Yellow phosphorous was steady with slight increase, and the sales also see signs of improvement, there were more purchases from the lower reach. Its average price was 16,525 Yuan, almost the same with last year, down 4.5% over last year. While liquid chlorine and sulfur also saw a hike over last month, with the former up by 14.3%.
Operation rate of methanol enterprises remained 55% since March, and decreased slightly at the end of the month. Less market supply restricted methanol price from further tumble. In March, average methanol price was 2,627 Yuan, up 1.6% over February.
Affected by continuous weak demand from the lower reach, and huge sell-off in int'l market, pure benzene and toluene price came to 9,597 and 8,503 Yuan, down by 6.2% and 12.2% over last year, however, xylene continued to rise to 10,980 Yuan, up 10% over last month.

From “China Pesticide Market Monthly Report
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