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Profit Monitoring on Livestock Breeding Industry Chain

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2015-06-23 10:05:18China Agriculture Report Print
Profit on Hog Breeding Industry Chain: During the past week, ratio between hog price and feed price was 5.97 and ratio between hog price and corn price was 4.49. The profit detail was as following: With reference to breeding, the gross profit of hogs from self-raising-piglet, and gross profit of hogs from others-raising-piglet were respectively RMB145.15Yuan/Head, and -20.10Yuan/Head increased by 56.25%. With reference to slaughter, gross profit of slaughtering enterprises, the ones on slaughtering bought hogs but not as agents, was RMB82.01Yuan/Head, decreased by 28.62% compared with last week. With reference to pork wholesale, the gross profit was RMB108.57Yuan/Head, increased by 4.44% compared with last week. With reference to pork retail, the gross profit was about RMB241.78Yuan/ Head, decreased by 3.38%, compared with last week.

Profit on Broiler Chicken Breeding Industry Chain: During the past week, ratio between broiler chicken price and feed price was 2.77 and ratio between broiler chicken price and feed price was 2.03. The profit detail was as following: With reference to broiler chicken breeding, the gross profit was about RMB-2.91 each. With reference to slaughtering, the gross profit was about RMB1.37Yuan/KG. With reference to white chicken meat wholesale, the gross profit was about RMB4.09Yuan/KG. With reference to white chicken meat retail, the gross profit was about RMB3.91Yuan/KG.

From "China Livestock and Poultry Weekly Report"
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