The Operating Rate of Corn Further Processing Sector Would Ascend Rapidly
By CnAgri2017-09-25 11:08:01 Print The operating rate of corn further processing sector showed the increasing trend this week. Of which the operating rate of corn starch companies and ethanol companies reached 70% and 65%. It was expected that the operating rate would ascend rapidly in the near future. The main reasons are as the followings:(1) Along with environmental examinations coming to an end, corn further processing companies in north China and Huang-Huai Region where is greatly affected resumed production, and other processing companies had finished routine overhauls, whose production is returning to a normal level.
(2) Owing to relatively good processing margins, corn starch and ethanol processing had achieved a profit, especially in the northeast where ethanol processing margins has reached highest in recent years, pushing up companies’ operating rate.
(3) Along with the coming of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day, the demand for downstream corn further processing products enters busy season.
(4) Thanks to the coming of new corn availability on the market and an abundant supply of raw materials, corn further processing companies have prepared for purchasing and producing.
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