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China’s Good Edible Oil Standards Require Nutrition Index, Labelling & Traceability

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2017-10-12 10:29:16China Agriculture Report Print On September 15, the State Grain Administration issued LS/T China’s good grain & oil, edible vegetable oil standards suitable for domestic commercial edible vegetable oil. The State Grain Administration’s Academy of Science was in charge of setting the standards and the relevant universities, industry leading enterprises such as Jiusan Group, Cofco, Luhua Group were involved in making a draft.
A. To define and divide the fatty acid and composition ratio of various vegetable oil: flax seed oil, peony seed oil and walnut oil are rich in ω-3 fatty acid; safflower seed oil, grape seed oil, sunflower seed oil, corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil and sesame oil are rich inω-6 fatty acid; camellia seed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, tea seed oil, low erucic acid rapeseed oil, rapeseed oil and rice bran oil are rich inω-9 fatty acid. 
B. The production indicators of edible oil nutrition concomitant include total sterol and composition, squalene, polyphenol, etc. Hazards claim indicators: trans-fatty acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; Oryzanol in rice bran oil that can be used as claim indicator; Sesamin in sesame oil, sesamolin and sesamol can be claim indicators.
C. Product traceability information includes oil production information, source of raw materials, production process control and other information.
D. The names of edible oil and labels should accord with GB 7718 labelling rules of prepackaged food and GB 28050 labelling rules of prepackaged food nutrition, product name should be labelled according to various edible vegetable oil product name or category name.
QR code is required and it contains the corresponding index of food safety inspection and traceability information.

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