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Napa Valley vineyard crop prospects reflect good rains and a good fruit set

China Agriculture Report By CnAgriChina Agriculture Report Print

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Because of the time required to collect the samples needed for the pre-dawn and mid-day pressure chamber measurements, staff can only reach about 15 of Stagecoach Vineyards’ 205 blocks per day.

However, with her experience Shaffer knows which blocks should be tested more frequently and which ones can go longer between the procedures without risking too much water stress.

This year, for the first time, she’s added an aerial thermal imaging service to further refine her irrigation program. The images are made every two weeks during the season to identifying any areas where vines need more or less water to maintain the desired balance of vine growth and fruit development.

As usual, the exposure of the hillside blocks of grapes to windy conditions plus several heat spikes have suppressed any powdery mildew development so far this season, Shaffer notes.

However, red blotch, a viral disease with symptoms similar to those of leaf roll disease, is high on her list of crop threats. Little is known yet about red blotch, which discolors leaves and impairs grape ripening and, ultimately, quality.

“It’s a big part of our disease control focus every year,” she says. “We keep a close eye on the vineyards and test any suspicious vines for the virus. Based on the results, we’ll either rogue individual vines or rip out entire sections of a block to eliminate the virus.”

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