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Will Professional and Intelligent Fertilization Service Be the Means of Transformation and Upgrading of Fertilizer Indus

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2017-12-22 11:10:22China Agriculture Report Print
Keywords:Fertilizer Corn
Professional and intelligent fertilization service has been a necessary service link for agricultural production in western countries, which extremely improves service and production efficiency. Fertilizer industry is facing fierce competition now and enters a period of transformation, so fertilizer companies and dealers all are seeking a new way out. Intelligent fertilization becomes a popular investment spot for fertilizer companies’ transformation and upgrading.
In the last two years, Batian builds terminal “original ecological agricultural customized stations” in Guangdong; Bifude is engaged in terminal intelligent fertilization chain business in Hubei by taking advantage of own small-scale intelligent fertilization machines; Sino-Agri sets up intelligent fertilization stations in main grain producing areas; Yun Nongchang changes to enter intelligent fertilization field; Hubei Fubang builds fertilization centers by depending on own soil-testing technology.  
For farmers, along with the developing of land scale and new-type business entities, they have higher requirements on fertilization. Compared to previous fertilization modes, intelligent fertilization has the features of a drop in use of fertilizer and high efficiency and accuracy thanks to demand-based fertilization, so farmers’ costs reduce and planting margins also improve. 
For fertilizer companies, the traditional distribution mode of fertilizer industry is materials supplier-processor-agency-retailer-farmer. The distribution link is relatively long and the profits are split by each link. Along with a downturn of the whole fertilizer industry, some fertilizer companies even fall into loss. However, intelligent fertilization innovates the distribution mode that is only involved in materials supplier, intelligent fertilization station and farmer, which can shorten distribution links and reduce distribution costs. Comprehensive costs decrease by nearly 20% compared to common fertilizer.    
Intelligent fertilizer can meet the demand from farmers and fertilizer companies to some extent, but, during the actual process, vigilance is still required that intelligent fertilization only becomes the marketing tool of some fertilizer companies and not the means to deepen agricultural service.
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