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Performance of 25 A-share(H-share) Listed Forestry Companies Was Outstanding, Chenming’s Revenue Reached RMB 29.85 Bil

China Agriculture Report By CnAgri2018-04-08 15:54:51China Agriculture Report Print
According to the incomplete statistics, BOABC analyzed the key data of 2017 annual report of the 25 listed forestry companies. 
A.    In 2017, the revenue of the 25 A-share(H-share) listed companies totaled RMB 159.514 billion, and the top 10 companies gained 82.55% of the market share. Chenming Paper’s revenue accounted for 18.71% of the industry's revenue; Leeman Paper’s revenue accounted for 16.20% of the industry's revenue; Sun Paper’s revenue accounted for 11.84% of the industry's revenue; Shanying Paper’s revenue accounted for 10.95% of the industry's revenue; Bohui Paper's revenue accounted for 5.61% of the industry's revenue.
B.    The highest net profit of shareholders belonging to the listed companies is Leeman Paper, reaching RMB 5.040 billion and ROA is 11.64%. The following three companies are found with the highest net profit growth rate: Yibin Paper, 2809.30%; Shanying Paper, 471.00%; Bohui Paper, 325.26%;
The following two companies are found with negative net profits: ST Jinggu, Yunnan Yuntou Ecology and Environment Technology Corp.

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